Site News

March Newsletter

Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! This month will be pretty quiet and we don't have too many updates for this round. We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

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Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game night will take place on March 15th for a standard game night, and March 22nd for a game of Frankenpaca!There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

NPC Prompts

Due to unforseen circumstances in February, both Mach and Sachet's NPC prompts will be releasing this month. We apologize for the delay for anyone who had been waiting on Mach's prompt last month.

Guest Artist Changes

We've altered the terms for our guest artist applications; now, to make things simpler, 15% of any monetary sales is to go to the Pacapillar account, and artists keep 85% of their profits. We've also added sections for your site username and discord username to be filled in so that we can contact you more driectly, as well as add you to our guest artist channels in the server.
We are in need of plenty of guest artists in the near future for our monthly features. If you've ever wanted to be a pacapillar guest artist and sell your designs to the community, you can find a button to the application form below in our design schedule section of this newsletter!

Secret Shop Pets

The 2022 March pets have been added to the Secret Shop! Head on over there to pick up a Squacky (Spring), Catlog, Foliage (Spring), Blue Punch, Lucky, or Queen Been!
Squacky (Spring)CatlogFoliage (Spring)Blue PunchLuckyQueen Been


Current Events
Eggs Giving
March 3rd, 2025 - April 30th, 2025
Eggs Giving returns, and Snekkets are entrusting Pacapillars with their precious Glistening Eggs all across Chrysalopolis to raise as their own!  After the influx of Pacapillars swarming Monet last year for information, he has decided to turn it into an annual event, much like Mirage Festival, simply calling it Eggs Giving. Through this event, Monet, and his companion, Claude, hope to spread information about the elusive Snekkets better, and aid Pacapillars in raising their new noodle friends, all while having fun with it! This year's festivities have the theme of "Festival of Fools"; what a perfect time to play with your Snekket and be silly!

Prompts for this event will begin on March 3rd.


Design Schedule
  • Snekket Flat Sale Raffles by staff members throughout March + April
  • Designs by our March Guest Artists, eggomancer and Zimo
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️
Every month we will be selecting 1-2 Guest artists from this application to feature. If you would like an opportunity to make designs for our community, please click the button above to apply!


Character of The Month

Moonie is a very courageous Paca always looking for something to do! They are very friendly and always up for an adventure!

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature

Flutter (Humming)

Masters of flight, Humming Flutters can often be found darting around ponds, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of freshwater, their wings vibrating at a speed that causes them to make an almost musical hum. If you are approached by one of these creatures, it may try to challenge you to a race by creating a signature 3-pattern hum with its wings, and wiggling its little body in a way that makes it look as though it's dancing. Most Pacapillars can’t keep up with a Humming Flutter since they will dart across the surface of the water to cheat… How rude!

Submit The Prompt!

Critter Spotlight

Foliage (Spring)

Although it spends most of its life hiding amongst the trees, it is a strangely outgoing little creature. It loves finding small flowers and insects, and will always find time to show off their collection! They have a terrible sense of smell, but make up for that with subsonic hearing. This leads them straight to whatever small bug they're on the hunt for next!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
  • The ability to exchange Gold Berries for Shhrooms to use in the Secret Shop
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!

[!] be continued...[!]

February Newsletter

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! It's Corewarming season, the season of love, but not just the love of a partner! Corewarming is about sharing love with everyone you care about, from partners to friends to family. How do your Pacapillars express they care for their loved ones? We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

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Major Updates
New Octo Body Item

Fintastic Flakes will now exclusively be for the fins mutation, and Octo Body itself now has a unique Item called Fish and Ships. Due to this change, we are allowing a 3-month grace period to trade out your Fintastic Flakes for the new Fish and Ships item if you originally purchased Fintastic Flakes in the intent of using it for Octo Body. Until May 2nd, 2025, you may submit a claim on site here to have your item changed. Simply add "Fintastic Flakes Exchange" to your comment, and add your existing Fintastic Flakes to the "Add-Ons" section under the "Your Inventory" dropdown (this is so that the item gets automatically removed upon approval).

Secret Shop Grand Reopening

Our ARPG pet shop, the Secret Shop, has officially reopened! Stock now holds every pet that's at least 3 years old (or older), and prices have been drastically altered from the original 100 Shhroom per pet, to now be 10 Shhroom for common pets, 30 Shhroom for rare pets, and 50 Shhroom for super rare pets. To get Shhrooms cycling back into rotation, all 3 pet prompts (Companion Galore, Creature Feature, and Critter Spotlight), will reward 2 Shhroom each upon approval. We've also added bundles to the Cash Shop where you can purchase 10 Shhroom for $5, 30 Shhroom for $15, and 50 Shhroom for $25. Additionally, until the end of February, there is a free gift that can be claimed by all users in which you can get 50 Shhroom to use freely in the Secret Shop to show our appreciation to all users, and celebrate the store reopening! (Note: Please only click the claim button once. Due to site lag, if you click it more than once you may end up with unfair distribution.)
If you wish to gain even more Shhrooms, please pledge to Nokkelborth 's patreon to gain the ability to trade your Golden Berries for Shhrooms! LINK

Addressing Site Lag

We are aware of the massive spikes in lag affecting the site currently making using the site quite difficult. This has resulted in some submissions getting duplicated, staff tasks being duplicated, or simply soft locking users from accessing pages. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this, so all we can really do is wait things out and hope that the speed of the site increases sooner rather than later. We've experienced these lag spikes in the past, and how long they would last has always been varied. While the site is having issues, we ask that you are just patient with it, our staff members, and other users alike, as this is something that affects all of us.

Mutation Items

Almost all of our standard mutations officially have items now. Admins are still discussing how to properly get these into circulation, but until then, please resume your MYO approvals as normal, using either an Olera Berry for mutations, or one of the items that had already been released in the past. Multi-Texture (Standard), Split (Standard), and the Snekket mutation, Wyvern, still need to be completed at the time of this newsletter being posted, however those should be completed soon and added to the site. (An update will be posted in the Discord server when the last three items have been uploaded.)

DTPAY Updates

We've reopened the second Draw The Paca Above you minigame channel in the Discord server, so we can now have 2 games running at once, making the wait much shorter, and opening the game up to more users. We've also increased the DTPAY criterion payout when submitting your final piece for rewards, this change hopefully making the activity more engaging to our users.


Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game night will take place on February 8th for a standard game night, and February 22nd for a game of Color-To-Adopt Frankenpaca! Both games will take place at 2pm CST on their respective days. There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

Boreal Wishes Wrap-up

Boreal Wishes 2024 has been concluded, and the shop will remain open until the 7th of February. After that, the shop will close until this year's rotation, and all currency for the event will be reset. How did you feel about the collection of prompts lasting the full 2 months instead of having something different for each month? Would you like to see more events handled like this, or would you like prompts to change with the month for every multi-month event? Feel free to give us feedback in our Feedback Form (you can remain anonymous), or in our #suggestion-box channel in the Discord server. We want to make sure everyone is having fun with our activities, so your thoughts are important to us!

Typing on Bank + Inventory Transfers

You can now make bank transfers and inventory transfers by typing the recipient's username directly, making it much easier to send things to others instead of scrolling through hundreds of usernames. We're still trying to make this a possibility on pets currently however. 

Mach NPC Prompt

Sometime this month, our NPC, Mach, will be receiving his own ARPG prompt following Hero's NPC prompt. This will not have a time limit to complete, however you must complete Hero's prompt first to unlock the ability to do any of our other NPC prompts upon their release. An update will be posted in the Discord server when Mach's prompt has been released publicly.


Current Events
♡ Corewarming ♡
February 1st, 2025 - February 28th, 2025
It's February, which officially means it's the season of love in Chrysalopolis, however this love isn't exclusive to couples! Love for everyone you care about, whether it's a partner, a friend, a family member, or even a pet are all valid forms of love and are to be celebrated in this time. How does your Pacapillar express their love for Corewarming? Did they treat their partner to some expensive candy? Maybe they're having a platonic "date night" with their bestie and watching silly movies with them? Perhaps they're having a competitive game of Uno with their family members? Or maybe they're just staying at home and dressing their pets and Snekket up in little nub-made bowties! No matter how you express your affection for others, it's important to let your loved ones know how much you do care about them!


Design Schedule
  • Collaboration between Echoklang and TornPages on Valentine's Day
  • Designs by our February Guest Artists, maarblecakes and Canary
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️
Every month we will be selecting 1-2 Guest artists from this application to feature. If you would like an opportunity to make designs for our community, please click the button above to apply!


Character of The Month

Mary loves love! Shes the best matchmaker around whether its friends or romantic relationships. She's very friendly and loves all sorts of crafts.

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature


Though Snekkets prefer to care for their eggs on their own, later entrusting them to Pacapillars they deem worthy, they can’t always do it alone. When Snekkets need help, they will seek out a Deerest to bring them to come and guard their eggs, keeping them safe when a Snekket cannot directly look after their egg. Deerest are fairly brave, despite their dainty appearance, and will even adopt orphaned Snekket eggs, even if those eggs aren’t actually orphaned and being raised by a Pacapillar, which can result in some Pacapillars having a standoffish Deerest guarding the egg of their future companion…

Submit The Prompt!

Critter Spotlight

Rotund Cookie

This lovable little pupper has carefully crafted its bow and arrow to compel the target of its affections once hit! Normally this tough little cookie asks for treats or belly rubs, but a more tenacious pet might request its owner's core instead! Don't feed your Rotund Cookie too much, though, or it might just burst!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
  • The ability to exchange Gold Berries for Shhrooms to use in the Secret Shop
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!

[!] be continued...[!]

January Newsletter - NEW YEAR, NEW EXITING THINGS!!!

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! Happy New Years to all of our members! Do you have any New Years resolutions you plan to work on? We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

Quick Navigation


Major Updates
ARPG NPC Prompts

With our NPCs getting more spotlight as of late, we wanted to help the community get to know them a little better. To do this, every month of 2025 we will be releasing a new, permanent ARPG prompt until we have an interactive activity for all 14 of our NPCs. By completing these prompts, you will gain an NPC plush collectable that you can either keep or trade with other users, but you will also get an account-bound Friendship Charm based off of the NPC linked to the prompt you are submitting that will count towards progress of a unique award that will be featured on your profile, "Friend of Chrysalopolis". These prompts will have no time limit, much like our farming prompts, and you can complete them at your own leisure, but remember that you can only do each of these prompts once, and you will need to complete Hero's prompt to unlock all of the others (regardless of release date).

New Monthly Prompt

Since we originally starting having Creature Feature each month, we have gained a lot of new members to participate and have fun in the species, however due to the rise in users, we realize that not everyone will have access to pets we've already had featured in Creature Feature, or, existing users may wish to collect more of these pets themselves. To remedy this, we have brought back what was originally a flash prompt titled "Pet Pageant", and given it a new coat of paint, renaming it as "Critter Spotlight", and it's more generalized now instead of revolving around dressing a pet up (you're still more than welcome to do that however!) This prompt will be a new permanent monthly prompt, and will cycle through pets that were featured in the previous year's month. Any pets from 2023 will be cycled back into the normal Creature Feature pool first due to their original descriptions being lost to time, and any 2024 pets will cycle back in through Critter Spotlight starting immediately this month.

Gold Berry Subspecies Berries

Following suit with subspecies berries being featured in the Cash Shop, we finally are selling them in the Alley Shop for Gold Berries. You can purchase up to 2 Dubious Berries per year for 100 Golden Berry, and you can purchase up to 1 Forbidden Berry per year for 150 Golden Berry. The items in the Alley Shop however will NOT affect your purchase history in Barrie's Berry Shop, so if you save up enough currency, you could get up to 4 Dubious Berries and 2 Forbidden Berries a year for pacapillar currency (more if you purchase them from the Cash Shop). The Gold Berry subpsecies berries are currently stocked as of this newsletter, but will reset on our next subspecies berry restock.

Olera Berry Reset

In roughly 2 weeks following this newsletter, Olera Berry stocks will reset, and you will be able to purchase them once more in both Barrie's Berry Shop and the Alley Shop.

Monthly Guest Artists

We are reviving our Guest Artist applications, and hoping to bring on at least one Guest Artist per month starting in February. If you have ever wished to try your luck at being one of our featured Guest Artists, now's your time to apply! We have remade the original form, so if you have applied in the past, we ask that you apply again so that we can see results only from users who are both active and interested. If you're interested in becoming a Guest Artist, you can apply HERE!


Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game night will take place on January 18th for a standard game night! There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

Wish Granting Wrap-Up

Wish Granting 2024 has been concluded! Pinch hitters have been contacted to cover any pieces that were not completed, and you're free to share your submissions finally. If you haven't claimed your rewards yet, please submit the Wish Granting prompt linking your finished piece as the submission. If you do not submit this prompt, you won't get your rewards! It's known that there is an error with the button being visible for some users, so if the button isn't there for you, please submit your entry though the "Submit" button in the navigation bar at the top of the site.

New Staff Member

As some of you may have seen, a new staff member has joined our team. Please give a warm welcome to Doozie , who will be helping us with the prompt queue moving forward. As always, please be patient with our new mod as they learn their way around things.

Seasonal Prompt Awards

As mentioned in last month's newsletter, as of December 22nd, you can now claim an award for completing BOTH seasonal prompts for a season. This only starts with this cycle of the winter prompts, Cup of Warmth, and The First Snowfall, any seasonal prompts that predate December 22nd, 2024 cannot be claimed. If you have completed both of these prompts however, you can submit a claim on site here linking both your approved submissions, and a staff member will reward you with the appropriate seasonal award to display on your profile. You can only claim this award once per season, but you can also claim it yearly. So if you claimed the winter award for this year already, you can claim it again next winter.


Current Events

Art by TornPages

Snow Crystals Boreal Wishes Snow Crystals
December 3rd, 2024 - January 31st, 2025
As winter rolls into season, Chrysalopolis drifts into the north, causing the floating city to become rather cold, snow even falling from clouds higher than the city and creating a frigid, yet beautiful blanket of snow over the land. Pacas are starting to move indoors more where it's warm, often enjoying things like cuddling under a blanket with all their pets, or experimenting with different flavors of hot cocoa! The holiday season truly nears however pacas start to see stunning rainbow lights dance across the night sky, marking the start of Boreal Wishes, a season in which pacas gather together and put aside their differences, often giving gifts to each other to celebrate, and throwing huge parties in the middle of the season to ring in the new year. The Boreal Wishes season is most certainly the most joyous time of all.


Design Schedule
  • Designs by Echoklang
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month

This is Micci, shes a very sweet and caring paca but she's also a bit mischievous! She likes the stars and all sorts of things magical. She's a very gentle but silly creature.

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature

Lil Dapper

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight…. Wait, why is it moving? It’s… Alive? You got that right! Pacpaillars will often see Lil Dapper’s glow and assume it’s a wishing star, frequently making a wish on it… Only Lil Dappers don’t grant wishes, unless your wish was for a new friend!

Submit The Prompt!

Critter Spotlight

Drach (New Years)

Unlike other Drach, this pet variant only appears before those they deem worthy. Instead of filing down their horns, the New Years Drach grants a wish to their preferred individual, combusting the star at the end of their horn like a sparkler. Each Drach can only grant one wish per year, though, so make it count!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!

[!] be continued...[!]

December Newsletter

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! Snow... We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

Quick Navigation


Major Updates

We now have an award system in place. Many awards still need to be created, however starting on December 22nd, 2024, you will be allowed to claim an award for completing both of the prompts for the featured season moving forward. You can claim these seasonal awards once per season cycle.
Further, if you recall in the March / April event of Eggs Giving. it was mentioned to save the links to your approved submissions if you completed all 4 Eggs Giving 2024 major lore prompts, and this is exactly what that was for! If you completed all 4 Eggs Giving prompts, please submit a claim linking your 4 approved submissions in the comment, and a staff member will grant you the new award, Paca's Best Friend!

Soulbloom Compensation

Until December 15th, 2024, due to one of our event prompts not launching, there is a compensation period in which you can submit a claim with the comment "Soulbloom Compensation" and receive 9 Treats as compensation for the prompt not going live. You may only claim this compensation ONCE, and it will only be available until the 15th. Afterwards, the Halloween event shop will close until next year, and all Treats will be removed from user accounts to start anew next year.

Prompt Cancellations

Now, just like our design system, prompts can be cancelled and returned to the user as a draft instead of getting the harsh "Rejected" text all the time. This should make it easier to communicate changes, as well as request that criteria forms are added to submissions lacking one. Of course, some rejections may still happen if a prompt doesn't meet criteria, was submitted to the wrong prompt, or other situations of the sort, but we hope that returning your prompts to you without needing to redo everything you did have correct will be much less of a struggle for everyone, and possibly make the prompt submission process more engaging.

Character of the Month

An update to the Character of the Month prompt is that any users wishing to participate in the raffle to have their character featured MUST join our Discord Server. This is so staff can easily reach out to you on a short timeframe to get your character's information. Another rule being added is if we do not get a reply from you in 24 hours or less of us reaching out to you about winning, the raffle will be rerolled and someone else will get the featured spot.

Birthday Pet Update

As of last month, it has officially been one year since we installed a feature that hands gifts out to users on the first day of their birth month, and as a result, we have changed the pet featured in the gift bag. Due to there being no proper announcement for a grace period after installing the automatic birthday gifts last November, if you have a birthday in November or December, and you had an account on our site last year for those months, but you did NOT get the automatic birthday gift, we will manually grant you your birthday goodies from last year. Please submit a claim on the site and simply put something in your comment along the lines of "2023 November / December birthday claim". We will be checking accounts to verify birth month and if you got the gift or not. This claim is to get last year's Support (Birthday) pet, and not this year's Cake Pop pet.


Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game nights will take place on December 7th for a standard game night, and December 14th for game of Frankenpaca! Both games will take place at 5pm EST. There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

Wish Granting

Reminder to anyone who signed up to our wish granting event last month, (see details HERE), to get your pieces completed. We have a prompt running currently that allows you to submit for your rewards already, but all submissions are kept private until the event is over. Alternatively, you can open a private ticket in our Discord Server, or send a message to JacyFox ( jacyfox on Discord) to be marked as done, and submit your prompt after the reveal date.

"Super Supporter" Role Retirement

The Super Supporter role is officially being retired. It hasn't been obtainable for a while now, and has caused issues in being broken, but after this newsletter is posted, any users who have this role currently will have their roles reverted into the standard user one, and the role will be permanently removed from the site. This will NOT affect anyone's patreon standing, but instead will simply get rid of something that has been causing issues for the site, in turn being a small step in inproving the site.

Log Icons

Inventories, pets, and awards now have little icons in their logs! This will help users and staff alike see these logs at a glance much more clearly.


Current Events

Art by TornPages

Snow Crystals Boreal Wishes Snow Crystals
December 3rd, 2024 - January 31st, 2025
As winter rolls into season, Chrysalopolis drifts into the north, causing the floating city to become rather cold, snow even falling from clouds higher than the city and creating a frigid, yet beautiful blanket of snow over the land. Pacas are starting to move indoors more where it's warm, often enjoying things like cuddling under a blanket with all their pets, or experimenting with different flavors of hot cocoa! The holiday season truly nears however pacas start to see stunning rainbow lights dance across the night sky, marking the start of Boreal Wishes, a season in which pacas gather together and put aside their differences, often giving gifts to each other to celebrate, and throwing huge parties in the middle of the season to ring in the new year. The Boreal Wishes season is most certainly the most joyous time of all.


Design Schedule
  • Holiday designs by staff members and surprise guest artists throughout the month
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month

Neo is a space loving nerd, he loves stargazing and is always willing to talk about planets if you ask!

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature

Orknight (Frost)

Found in cold, tundra-like areas near bodies of water, the Frost Orknight prefers to live a life in the wild, rather than in captivity. Be careful if you get too close, they may try to pick a fight with you! They are always trying to fight things much larger than them in an attempt to strengthen their icy body armor. If you bring one of these home to keep as a pet, make sure you are ready for a challenge, because this creature will make it their mission to destroy your home to get free!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!

[!] be continued...[!]

Wish Granting 2024

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by TornPages

With the holidays just around the corner, we would like to introduce our special gift giving event, Wish Granting. Wish Granting is the Boreal Wishes equivalent to "Secret Santa", if you don't know what that is then here's a conveniently placed explanation:

Secret Santa is a Christmas tradition in which members of a group are randomly assigned other members to whom they anonymously give a gift. In this case, the gift will be art, writing, or a craft!
It's a simple and fun way to celebrate the holidays and spread cheer all around! The gifts themselves do not have to be strictly Christmas-themed, so even if you do not celebrate Christmas, we encourage you to participate if you'd like!

There will be special prizes granted to users at the end of the event who completed their entry, so be sure to get your pieces in on time!

How to participate:
  • Fill out the Google Form before the deadline (November 10th).
  • The Mod team will assign all Wish Granters randomly. We will DM you on Discord letting you know who you will be gifting!
  • Once you receive your "Wisher" from us you may start the event!
  • Be sure to keep your completed wish a secret until the end of December. 




November 10th : Sign ups close and wishers will be assigned to users, and a prompt will open up for completed pieces to be submitted to.
December 18th : Last day to drop out of the event so we can re-assign your wish to a new user.
December 25th : Reveal date! You may start sharing your completed wishes with your recipient (or publicly if you prefer)
December 31st : Final deadline for the event. If you have not completed your wish by this time or dropped out, you will be labeled as a "no-show" and your wish will be given to a Pinch Hitter to complete.
January 8th : Pinch Hitter deadline. If you picked up an extra wish, your new submission must be in by this date.

General Rules:
  • Be respectful
  • No explicit or rude behavior.
  • All wishes must be kept PG-13 (no gore, inappropriate language, or other explicit content)
  • You must have a Pacapillar or Snekket to participate in this event.
  • Both are available to be used for this gifting event (so anywhere it specifies a Paca, you can replace that with a Snekket if you want!).
  • This event will primarily be run through Discord, so you must have an account to sign up and receive your assignments!
  • The link to the group discord is:
  • You must have a account to participate in this event.
    • Accounts are free! Go join now if you haven't already. It's a great place to keep track of your in-game currency and chubby worm and noodle babies!
  • Allowed art parameters:
    • Drawn artworks must be full-bodies.
    • If you are not the drawing type you may write a short story as a gift! The story must be at least 600 words long.
    • If you are feeling adventurous and want to try your hand at a craft (such as papercraft, sculpting, etc.) All we ask is that there is visible effort on the part of the gifter! Feel free to reach out to a moderator via a ticket to ask whether a certain piece you’re making would be acceptable.
  • Once you are assigned to a user you may not change or "trade" who you are gifting. If you have a legitimate problem with the user chosen, please let a mod know.
  • Please try to avoid signing up with a Pacapillar you are iffy on. If you trade a Pacapillar that has already joined the event (via the form) we are unable to make any changes or update your gifter about this change.
    • If this happens please know that the new owner of the Pacapillar may receive the gift art instead of you.
    • It is preferred that you only sign up with Pacapillars you know you love and use!
    • You are still required to complete your half of the gift even if you trade your Pacapillar.
  • Wishes should not be revealed until the Prompt goes live! This also means that you shouldn’t post WIPs of your work, as much as we’re excited to see them </3
    • As we get closer to the posting date, we will let you all know the specific place to post to, so don’t worry about it not popping up or not knowing where it is!

Dropouts/Pinch Hitters:

Pinch hitters are users who pick up additional wishes of users who were either no-shows or dropped out. You will get bonus rewards if completing a pinch hitter bonus piece.

  • The deadline for dropping out without penalty is December 18th, but we prefer that users drop out earlier to give pinch hitters more time to work.
    • Please note that dropping out means you forfeit all event rewards.
    • If dropping out beyond this point without an approved extenuating circumstance, you will be barred from participating in the next event we hold.
  • Users who sign up and check that they would be okay with being pinch hitters will receive a small bonus for any extra completed works they do as a thank you for picking up the slack <3
    • Due dates for pinch hitters are 2 weeks from the initial image reveal date, on January 8th
    • If you check that you’d like to be a pinch hitter, but end up not being able to when we reach out to you, that is perfectly fine! We understand that plans and how busy you are can change!

November Newsletter

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! The cold weather sure is creeping in fast... Are you ready? We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

Quick Navigation


Major Updates
Chrysalopolis Lore Gallery

As we share more of our world lore with everyone, we wanted a place to also keep all this information readily available and easy to refer back to for everyone. To do this, we have created a new gallery for staff and official artists to submit to that will have imagery for various locations around Chrysalopolis, as well as written pieces to describe the scenario or event more in-depth. Written pieces may take longer to be added, but in due time, will be added to the literature sections on their appropriate drawn pieces. You can view this new official gallery HERE !

We still allow users to have their own creative freedom and will never enforce these lore segments too strictly unless stated otherwise; if a prompt should stick to canon lore more tightly, it will be mentioned in the rules / requirements of the prompt.

The first lore piece we have is by TornPages focusing the Tree of Souls during the month of November. Written lore still needs to be added to this piece, but a follow-up message will be posted in #paca-patch-notes in the Discord server when that has been added, (as well as being mentioned in our December newsletter.)

Wish Granting (Secret Santa) Sign Ups

We are happy to introduce a new hoiday tradition to Pacapillars, Wish Granting! This is essentially a Secret Santa exchange just with a different name. A followup news post will be posted shortly with information on participation rules and how to sign up. Sign ups will be open starting today, and will close on November 10th, 2024, so be sure to submit your form in time if you wish to participate!

Visual GuideS

The following visual guides have been added to the official guides gallery:

  • Subspecies:
    • Winged Unnatural Subspecies


Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game nights will take place on November 2nd for a standard game night, and November 23rd for game of Frankensnekket! There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

DTE FrankenPaca

Last month's Frankenpaca result is still running for entries, but only until tomorrow! Be sure to get your submissions in to the Prompt and Gallery in time to be entered into the raffle!


Creature Feature Rules

Our prompt, Creature Feature, has had the below rule added. Please know that this has always been a rule for this prompt, but due to staff error that information did not originally end up as public as we intended. With this now being written however, we will adhere more strictly to this rule when approving submissions.
This rule only applies to Creature Feature for the time being. You are still allowed creative freedom for other prompts unless specified otherwise.

    • Pets should follow canonical sizing (See HERE) but should be no smaller than 1/5 of the Pacapillar's height, and no bigger than the height of the Paca.

      • This rough sizing applies to Standard Pacapillars; pets will always be much smaller in comparison to Subspecies Pacapillars and Snekkets.

      • This rule only applies to this prompt and we allow creative freedom on other prompts!


Reminder: Direct Messaging Staff

Reminder to all users to not DM staff members regarding questions, concerns, vouchers, or character appraisals. If you would like to speak to a staff member privately regarding the species, please open up a help ticket in our #contact-us channel in the Discord server, otherwise we ask that all questions are directed to our #✅questions-and-answers channel. Alternatively, you can submit something to our feedback form (found under "Help" in the navigation bar) with the option of remaining anonymous, or submit a claim here on site.


Current Events
SoulBloom Feast
October 1st, 2024 - November 30th, 2024
It's officially Soulbloom Feast once again! All the souls of those no longer with us are being drawn into the Tree of Souls, causing it to illuminate and glow within the dark forest, but new candies that appear to be different from last year's seem to be blooming on the branches of this great cherished piece of nature.  Pacas from all over are flooding into the forest with their costumes and friends, not a worry in the world about the rumors of Monsters and Poison Pacapillars living in the forest, too interested in the fun festivities. 
You can read more about the lore for this event in last year's newsletter HERE

There will be 10 prompts in total for this event, allowing users a chance at 40 5-icon.png in total to spend at the Creeping Thyme Stall. Both October and November will have lore-related prompts linking back to August's lore prompt about Thyme and the Chrysalis Shards. If you missed that event, you can read the dialogue for the prompt in question HERE. October's prompts will run through November as well for anyone who missed them during October, but all prompts for this event can only be submitted once per year per user and will not refresh on monthly rollover.

There are 10 new candies to collect this year from Candy Bags! All new candies will be account bound until after the event has concluded. Once Boreal Wishes begins, all of this year's Candies will be tradable and donatable, but will no longer be sellable. Will you get the super rare Licorice Monster that has a 2% chance to roll?


Design Schedule
  • Designs by Echoklang
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month

Astro “pain in my behind” Pluton
Astro is as clumsy as they get! The alien styled paca loves exploring nature, getting caught up in every single detail. He loves to spend his time with his pets. He’s always ready for another adventure.

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature

Lilyp (Snowcap)

As the cold weather creeps in, many creatures are starting to hibernate, including the, ironically named, Snowcap Lilyp. These little guys are often mistaken as wild mushrooms, sometimes being picked up by wandering pacas thinking they found a cool fungus, only to be surprised when their prized find starts moving! Like most Lilyp, the Snowcap variant is very social with its own kind, and can often be found in small or large groups together. When hibernation rolls around, the Snowcap Lilyp will huddle with its friends to stay warm throughout the season, frequently confusing passing pacas as to why there may be a large cluster of mushrooms just sitting there, thinking it may be some free nature-grown food late into the year... but don't eat one! They're very poisonous!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!

[!] be continued...[!]

October Newsletter

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! Happy Spooky Season everyone! We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

Quick Navigation


Major Updates
Gallery Sorting

Followup from our September 2024 Newsletter; all galleries have been properly sorted and parent galleries have been locked. Please post any future submissions in their appropriate sub-gallery. Instructions on how to do this can be found in last month's newsletter.

Visual GuideS

The following visual guides have been added to the official guides gallery:

  • Subspecies:
    • Poison Natural Subspecies

Trait Visuals : Feelers

Visual examples for Head Feelers, Cheek Nubs, and Tail Feelers have gotten new example images added to their descriptions. Though the visual guides show various examples for shapes, these visual examples instead show what lengths determine whether a feeler is Common, Rare, Super Rare, or in the case of Ultra Tail, Mutation.
NOTE: Only the visual examples have been updated! The text on the traits is still outdated and currently in the works of being updated.


Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game nights will take place on October 12th for a standard game night, and October 19th for game of Frankensnekket! There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

DTE FrankenPaca

Last month's Frankenpaca result is still running for entries, but only until October 5th! Be sure to get your submissions in to the Prompt and Gallery in time to be entered into the raffle!


Item Updates
  • Last year's Halloween event currency has been renamed from Candies to Treats so that they won't be confused with candy collectables anymore.
  • TornPages has updated his visuals for the Treats world image as well as the Halloween Candy surprise bags. If your browser is still displaying last year's artwork, you may need to hard refresh by either pressing "Shift + F5" on PC, or clearing your cache on mobile.
  • Last year's Halloween collectables are now available in the Creeping Thyme Stand for leaflets, and the 2023 Candy Bag has been turned into a collectable that can be purchased for 4 Treats
    NOTE: Only the current year's Candy Bag will give randomized rolls for collectables. Previous years are strictly collection items.


Seasonal Prompt Icons

All seasonal prompts now have icons so that they can easily be picked out in the list of prompts. These serve no purpose other than to separate the prompts more clearly, but we may turn them into items in the future!



Prompt Permissions

Since what is and isn't allowed in prompts can sometimes be lost in the general rules of a prompt, we have added a color-coded permissions section to each active prompt. These display clearly whether commissioning someone else to draw your piece, collaborations with other users, or crafted pieces are permitted on a prompt. Separating these makes the general rules easier to read in the case of any changes being made, while also making it clearly visible whether these other variables are permitted.

Extended Character Of The Month

Due to being late last month, September's COTM will bleed into October for a few days to give the owner of last month's pacapillar more spotlight time. If you draw both last month's and this month's featured characters, you will get a bonus entry into the COTM raffle. This will be a new permanent feature if we are late with updating the monthly rollover, and after the extension time, the character from the previous month will be removed, and only the current month's feature will have the spotlight. 


Current Events
SoulBloom Feast
October 1st, 2024 - November 30th, 2024
It's officially Soulbloom Feast once again! All the souls of those no longer with us are being drawn into the Tree of Souls, causing it to illuminate and glow within the dark forest, but new candies that appear to be different from last year's seem to be blooming on the branches of this great cherished piece of nature.  Pacas from all over are flooding into the forest with their costumes and friends, not a worry in the world about the rumors of Monsters and Poison Pacapillars living in the forest, too interested in the fun festivities. 
You can read more about the lore for this event in last year's newsletter HERE

There will be 10 prompts in total for this event, allowing users a chance at 40 5-icon.png in total to spend at the Creeping Thyme Stall. Both October and November will have lore-related prompts linking back to August's lore prompt about Thyme and the Chrysalis Shards. If you missed that event, you can read the dialogue for the prompt in question HERE. October's prompts will run through November as well for anyone who missed them during October, but all prompts for this event can only be submitted once per year per user and will not refresh on monthly rollover.

There are 10 new candies to collect this year from Candy Bags! All new candies will be account bound until after the event has concluded. Once Boreal Wishes begins, all of this year's Candies will be tradable and donatable, but will no longer be sellable. Will you get the super rare Licorice Monster that has a 2% chance to roll?


Design Schedule
  • Special Halloween Advent designs created by staff members and surprise guest artists with the chance of Subspecies designs and even Hollo Disease raffles!
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month

Strawbi Swirly-Puffs

Sweet, kind, and always smells like pound cake, Strawbi's a timid little "superhero!" However, their always looking to help others out and protect others from danger, even when they're scared.

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature

Soilcube (Grave)

During Soulbloom Feast, pacas love to explore cemeteries in hopes of a thrill, but be careful; if you step on some loose dirt it could just be a Grave Soilcube that was resting! Often having a small headstone on the top of it's body, it should be obvious what ones are real, and what ones are a part of a Soilcube, but in the middle of the night, it can be harder to distinguish, and a Grave Soilcube suddenly moving has given many pacas quite the fright! Though responsible for scaring many pacapillars, a Grave Soilcube really just wants to sleep, but they always get stepped on.

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!

[!] be continued...[!]

September Newsletter

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! Autumn is coming fast! Are you ready for the fall season? We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

Quick Navigation


Major Updates
Voucher rules

Due to a large increase in voucher requests, we are unable to keep track of every user who gets a voucher approved by one of our staff members. Due to this, when advertising that you are looking for voucher offers on your pacapillars or snekkets, OR when transferring the character to their new owner, we are requesting that users include their ticket number as proof of approval in their advertisement / transfer reason so that we can keep tabs on everyone using this system fairly. 
     Ad: Vouchering my Paca xyz for $60! Voucher has been approved in the ticket #0023
     On-site transfer: Reason: $60 voucher, approved in ticket #0023

Gallery Sorting
After many years and several improvements, our gallery has remained relatively untouched, now finally we're working on a new sorting sytem for them! All submissions are currently being manually moved into their appropriate sub-galleries, but once everything has been sorted, we ask that you start to use these sub-galleries rather than the main gallery. When we are through sorting, you may notice the "+" button on the main page will be missing. You may wonder how you submit to galleries in that case. To do so, just simply follow the below steps:
  • STEP 1: 
    Select a Sub-Gallery
    • When looking at a gallery's header, you will see smaller text links listed below the title. These are sub-galleries and where you will want to submit to. Click on one to be taken to the sub-gallery's unique link. (Be mindful of what gallery you click on to make sure everything stays sorted neatly.)
  • STEP 2:
    Submit to the Gallery you have selected
    • On the left-hand side of the page (or on the side menu on mobile), you will see a list of galleries. This is all the parent galleries you can find on the main Gallery page you just came from. When you are in a parent gallery, this sidebar will show a list of all the sub-galleries within that parent gallery.
    • The title at the top of the page displays what sub-gallery/parent gallery you are currently sitting in
    • On the right hand side of the page, there is a submit button. This will submit the piece to the gallery you are currently sitting in. From there simply create your gallery submission as normal.

Visual Guide Gallery

All of our existing up-to-date visual guides have been added to the Guides + Resources gallery, hopefully making them easier for everyone to find. As time goes on and we make more guides, we will do our best to keep on top of adding them to this gallery to keep everyone in-the-know. The following guides are currently available in this gallery as of this newsletter being posted:

  • Anatomy
    • Pacapillar Leg Sizing
    • Snekket Leg Sizing
  • Mutations:
    • Snekket Mutations
    • Overlay Mutation
  • Subspecies:
    • Gilled Natural Subspecies
    • Shelled Natural Subspecies
    • Monster Unnatural Subspecies
    • Upgrades VS Elixirs
  • General Traits:
    • Textures
    • Common, Rare, and Super Rare Head Feelers
    • Common, Rare, and Super Rare Tail Feelers
    • Common, Rare, and Super Rare Cheek Nubs
    • Extra Traits
  • Prompts:
    • Simple VS Complex Backgrounds
    • Shading Bonus Requirements


Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game nights will take place on September 14th for a standard game night, and September 21th for game of Frankenpaca! There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

Art Fight Criteria Bonus

Now being into the start of September, we are under the assumption any Art Fight pieces have received their bonus criteria rewards, so the criteria tick has now been turned off until next year. We love that people took advantage of this bonus, and created more pieces for one another during Art Fight season, and we're excited to see next year's turn out too! 

SHading Guide

For a while now, the question has been up in the air over what is an acceptable level of shading to claim the bonus, and this info not being clear has resulted in frustration, which isn't fun for anyone. Our prompt admin, TornPages , has created a guide to help with some clarity, displaying various tiers of what is accepted, and what will have the bonus turned off. Any past submissions that have been processed already will not be affected and are safe, but moving forward, we will be adhering to this guide to make things flow much more smoothly, making judgement on whether there's shading or not much easier.

Rejection Request Button

Since adding in criteria rewards and getting rid of the shading requirement on all prompts, we've been trying to pass prompt submissions more openly to allow everyones art to feel appreciated and accepted, however we have noticed that this has brought the issue of staff simply editing criteria forms to match our grading judgement as long as they meet the base requirements when users could have their piece rejected instead so that they can make edits and gain their full rewards. We've heard your requests and now on both writing and art criteria forms, there is a new button at the top of the form. This does not give any bonus Leaflets, but instead it lets our staff team know to reject your piece and make changes if your form isn't 1:1 with our judgement before we simply otherwise approve with edits to the form. We hope that this is more accommodating to everyone, and encourages people to participate in prompts more knowing for full certain that you will get your full rewards.


Ginjinka Time Return!

Get ready to bust out your humanoid anatomy skills, the Ginjinka Time flash prompt is making a return on September 8th, 2024, and will end on September 21st, 2024. More info will be available in the prompt when it's made live.

Craft Project Frankenpaca DTE

Last month's Frankenpaca result is still up to enter, but only until September 8th! Be sure to get your entries submitted to the gallery and prompt in time to be entered into the raffle to win this bean for your very own!

Mirage Festival Cleanup

Mirage Festival officially ends tonight, and we hope everyone enjoyed this year's event! The Mirage Prize Stand shop will remain open until (roughly), September 12th, 2024. After that date, all Monet Tickets will be wiped from user banks to start fresh next year. Be sure to spend your tickets before this date!


Current Events
Leaflets L.E.A.F. Tour Leaflets
February 1st, 2024 - February 29th, 2024
May 1st, 2024 - May 31st, 2024
 September 1st, 2024 - September 30th, 2024
L.E.A.F. Is officially on tour! Along with them, they are bringing 2 prompts to participate in and get their collectable items, "L.E.A.F. Tour" and "Merch Drop"! Including the concert tickets that were only available as a free gift last month, there are 9 L.E.A.F. collectables in total to get! Will you be able to collect them all?
These prompts will repeat yearly during random months! This year, the tour is around for February, May, and September! Don't worry if you aren't able to collect all the items in one go though! You can always trade with other members of our community in the site-trading channel in the Discord Server!
<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href= <a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=


Design Schedule
  • No Guest Artists are planned for this month!
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month


Skittles (any pronouns) is a silly goofy guy who likes to prioritize having fun! She loves sweet foods, hosting parties, and collecting glow-in-the-dark objects!

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature


Almost impossible to find in pairs that match, the Snuppet is quite the anomaly of a creature. No one really knows how these sock creatures exist, but one thing's for certain; though some are soft and fuzzy, you never want to encounter a brightly colored one! Almost like a defense mechanism, the more brightly colored a Snuppet is, the more rancid it smells... Yuck!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!

[!] be continued...[!]

August Newsletter

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! We apologize for the delay this month, however we have many updates this month we need to cover! We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

Quick Navigation


Major Updates
Berry Reset

The time has come! Be sure to save up your Leaflets and Gold Berries, the specialty berry restock is approaching quickly, more specifically on August 15th. Personal counters for Forbidden Berries, Dubious Berries, and Olera Berries will be reset back to 0, allowing you to purchase them once more to use on your designs! Reminder that these berries when bought with site currency can NOT be transferred to other users after purchase; if you are looking to buy a berry for someone else, you will need to either provide them with the appropriate site currency to purchase for themselves, OR purchase the berry yourself in our Cash Shop!

Shell Texture Retirement

After staff discussion, we have decided that we will be retiring the rare rarity Shell Texture. Any existing Pacapillars or Snekkets that currently have Shell Texture will have their Shell Texture traded out for Matte Texture + Extrusions. Please be patient with staff as we work through the masterlist to fix any affected characters accordingly, as well as alter our visusal guide. From now on, we ask that you please use the combination of Matte Texture + Extrusions instead of Shell Texture on your MYO designs.

Paca + Snekket Leg Sizing

For a while now, leg sizes for both Pacapillars and Snekkets have been very rough, and we had no way to depict when legs were too big, often resulting in stress for both users and staff members alike. After some discussion amongst the team, we have determined what is ok for leg sizes in either species, and what may be considered a bit extreme. Our staff member, TornPages , has created the below guides (click to go to a larger version) based on this discussion, depicting a generalized visual idea as to how big the leg to body ratio should be on both Pacapillars and Snekkets.
NOTE: We try to allow our users plenty of flexibility in their art styles, so in a case-by-case scenario we may allow chunkier or longer legs, however please note that staff have the right to request edits to the design or prompt submission's anatomy if we deem the legs as too big or too long. The below visuals are simply to provide a rough, generalized idea, and are in no way policing unique art styles.



Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game nights will take place on August 17th at 2 pm CST for a standard game night, and August 24th at 2 pm CST for game of Frankenpaca! There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

DTPAY Criteria Bonus

Though users have always been able to submit their DTPAY pieces for prompts, we decided to make this more rewarding by adding a small bonus amount of Leaflets for anyone who completes a DTPAY drawing within their time limit and submits it to the site as a prompt. Within your art criteria form, there will be a new switch titled "DTPAY Submission". Simply check turn this on to claim the new bonus on your artwork. You will have a bonus 125 Leaflets added to your total rewards if your submission is valid.
NOTE: This bonus can only be claimed for art pieces completed for our Discord Server minigame, Draw The Paca Above You. Pieces must be completed within your given timeframe, and the bonus cannot be claimed if you missed your deadline or dropped out of your claim.
Want to play DTPAY? You can pick up the ping role in our #directory channel to get a ping whenever there's a character open for claims in the #draw-the-paca-above-you channel!

Claude... Real...

Congrats to our user, FluffyFoxOfFate for winning our NPC art contest, and providing our boy, Claude, with an official artwork for his masterlist entry to finally exist! With this official reference, you can now draw (or write) him with ease to include in your prompt submissions, rolling in a nice little NPC bonus in your criteria as well ;3 (This also includes all of our NPCs however, not just Claude! Go give our NPCs some love for some bonus profit <3 )
Check out his official masterlist entry here: 

Chikara's Internship

Last year, the pacapillar, Chikara, started an internship in hosting the newsletters, and we are pleased to announce that his internship was a success! He has been a huge help, but now it's time for him to move on to future endevors. Chikara will be retiring as an NPC, and instead, our NPC Mach will be covering his position in bringing newsletters to everyone every month. We thank everyone who read newsletters over the past year in helping Chikara achieve his goals!



Current Events
Mirage Festival
July 5th, 2024 - September 5th, 2024
Mirage Festival continues, releasing a lore-based prompt with an interactive dialogue! We hope you're ready for a little bit of Paca drama, and who knows? Maybe even a cliffhanger~
Be sure to complete the previous 3 drawn/written prompts (with the exception of the crafting prompt being optional) to the event before submitting the new lore prompt or your submission may be rejected!
Remember to use your Monet Tickets at the Mirage Prize Stand in our shops to get some event-exclusive items! The Mirage Prize Stand will be open from the start of the event until the 12th of September. After that, all Monet Tickets will be reset to 0 to start anew for next year.


Design Schedule
  • No Guest Artists are planned for this month!
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month


Gibby works as the strong man at Monty's Circus in the summer, and as a substitute teacher in the off months. He's a naturally strong paca but likes to also work out to build his strength more. He's very much a gym bro at heart and has also picked up cooking to make sure he has a calorie-rich diet to keep him healthy. He lives with his best friend/brother Skye, who is often not home due to his adventures.

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature


Hiding in the sand of beaches, Crabstles can often be found, disguising themselves as sand castles with their specially shaped and textured shells! Generally a rather shy creature, a Crabstle will typically hide the main part of its body beneath the sand, taking a nap, or simply hiding from any intruders around its territory. Though generally docile, they may still pinch you if you get too close!

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Wow you scrolled far enough to find a dancing Hero!

[!] be continued...[!]

NPC Masterlist Art Contest ~ Claude [RESULTS]

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by TornPages
Thank you to everyone who entered our contest in giving our beloved NPC, Claude, an official masterlist image. It was really touching to see our community band together and put care into giving one of our NPCs the love he deserved! It was a really tough choice to choose just one winner and a few runner ups; everyone's submissions were amazing and you could tell there was a lot of heart in every submission. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank everyone who entered ♡

1st Place

First place goes to FluffyFoxOfFate with their adorable piece! They have shown their skills well with their submission with a very cleanly drawn artwork that shows Claude's overall design really well, all while leaving his personality open for user interpretation when including him in prompts. Staff judging submissions all fell in love with Fluffy's piece, earning them the spot in first place!

  • Your artwork featured as the official masterlist image for Claude
  • 1x Glistening Egg
  • Your choice of 1x Galactic Biscuit OR 1x Ripe Olera Berry


Our three runner-up spots go to Hellpug , JacyFox , and ChaoChild !

  • Your choice of 1x Galactic Biscuit OR 1x (Standard) Olera Berry

We appriciate and love every single entry that users submitted to this contest. They were all wonderful, and we would like to remind everyone that even if you weren't selected as a winner, that it's not because your art is "bad". It was a tough decision and it was actually touching to see how much work and heart everyone who entered put into their pieces.
On that note, we encourage you to check out everyone's submissions for this event and give them some love! Favorite their works or comment something positive because at the end of the day, all of these pieces deserve some love!

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The Raffle of Claude
Art by RedBlueSoul
Art by molochsmeat
Art by JacyFox
Claude Me Boy
Art by ChaoChild
Art by Nadoki65
Art by Rocketbiscuitz
Art by CryMeARiver
Claude Entry
Art by PumpkinPatxh
Claud Stance
Art by Plague1010
Art by Hellpug
Art by ScaryBasil
Art by TrixieTheBellBunny
Art by yolkverse
Artsy Snek
Art by churrosbosan
Art by FluffyFoxOfFate