Welcome to the FAQ!
We've put together a hub with quick answers to the most commonly asked questions! Make sure to read this information before asking a question!
You can quickly use keywords to find what you are looking for by using Ctrl + F!
1) Account
2) General FAQ
3)Ownership and Transfers
5) Traits and Rarities
6) Redesigns
I registered on the site, but I haven't gotten the registration email!
You can request a new verification email by going to the Settings page (click your username to see the menu). Please wait 30 minutes before requesting a new email, sometimes the messages can take a while to reach your inbox. If after requesting the verification email 3 times it's still not showing up, please contact Nokkelborth through Discord, dA, or Twitter.
I registered with the wrong email!
If you have verified your account, you can change it through the "Settings" menu, if you haven't verified your account and it's not possible for you to verify using that email, please contact Nokkelborth through Discord, dA, or Twitter. Please do not create a new account if you need to change your email.
I need to change my username!
Please request this through the #questions-and-answers channel on our Discord server! Just post your current username, and the new username you'd like it changed to! You may only change your username once every six months.
Please do not create a new account if you need to change your username.
I changed my social media name/switched social media accounts
Your Alias on the site won't be updated unless you link your dA/Twitter/etc account again. You can remove and re-add your deviantART/Twitter/etc account in Settings -> Aliases
I don't have a deviantART account!
We have added Twitter as an alternate way to verify your account! DeviantART is no longer required to be linked to your account.
I'm missing Leaflets or items I had before the site was opened!
Please submit a claim through the site, attaching on the URL any relevant proof to the missing Leaflets!
General FAQ
What are Pacapillars?
Pacapillars are a closed species by toripng and Nokkelborth. You can read more about them here!
Please do not make your own without permission from the species owners! If you'd like to create your own, you will need a MYO slot.
How can I get a Pacapillar?
Pacapillars can be obtained multiple ways:
♣ Sales/Auctions in the Sales page
Offered infrequently by the Pacapillar Team.
♣ Customs
Also offered infrequently., mostly through Discord and Nokkel's Patreon Discord.
♣ Special Events
Events include contests, raffles, and DTAs.
♣ Make-Your-Own (MYO) slots
Can be obtained through the Cash Shop or the Alley Shop!
How much do they cost?
Prices vary! You can look at past sales and auctions to get an idea of what the cost would be. A MYO slot typically starts at $25
Can I sell my Pacapillar?
Yes! However you can’t sell it for any more than you bought the design for. More information about resales and trades can be found in the Terms of Service
Can I make a Pacapillar?
To make a Pacapillar, you will need a MYO slot, these are obtained by redeeming a Mystery Core. Do not make one without expressed consent (i.e. through MYO purchases etc.).
Can I draw a Pacapillar even if I don’t have one?
Sure! There’s plenty of pre-made designs that people own and would love fanart of. Be sure to ask them first though! The discord server also has a channel for Pacapillars that can be drawn freely, and our Masterlist allows you to search (through Advanced Search) for Pacapillars that allow gift art!
Can I design a Pacapillar and show you or can I suggest certain designs?
We'd prefer you not. You can definitely design something for an MYO if you plan to get one but I’d prefer you keep it to yourself until you submit for approval. As far as suggestions go, we really appreciate the enthusiasm but most of the time we do not need suggestions. If you'd like to still share, feel free to share ideas in our discord server!
Are customs open?
Our Discord server has a channel with information about customs, we may rarely also post custom Pacapillar openings through the website or deviantART
Can I offer [insert species or art] for a Pacapillar that is on the Sales page?
Unless you're commenting on an OTA, no. If it's someone else's Pacapillar, please only offer on them if the person has explicitly put them up for trade/offers, avoid making unsolicited offers to others.
Can I make a free Pacapillar base?
Go for it! There's a folder for them in the deviantART group gallery!
Can I make a P2U/pay-to-use Pacapillar base?
Nope, please don't do that.
Can I make a Pacapillar YCH?
Yep! anyone can!
Ownership and Transfers
My Pacapillar is not on the website, what should I do? How do I add my Pacapillar to the website?
We have added all the currently approved Pacapillars to the website masterlist. If you think there's been a mistake and we did not add your Pacapillar, please send a message on our Discord #questions-and-answers channel with a picture of your Pacapillar :) a mod will assist you in the process, but make sure you have proof of purchase and approval!
I own a MYO slot, but it's not listed on the site.
Please message the dA group with proof of purchase/ownership, or message Nokkelborth through Discord, dA, or Twitter and we'll get it added as soon as possible. If you bought the slot through the site by buying a Mystery Core in the shop, all you need to do is use the item through your inventory!
How do I trade my Pacapillar or MYO Slot?
To trade your Pacapillar, both parties will need to be registered on the site. Next, you can do the trade in two ways:
You can go directly to your Pacapillar's Masterlist entry, and click on "Transfer"

The same process can be done with MYO slots.
Or you can create a trade through the Activity ->Trades page. This option allows you to trade multiple characters, myo slots, as well as site items and currency in the same transaction. Very useful if you are making a trade with multiple items!
My pacapillar has the wrong sale value listed.
Please message a mod on Discord with proof of purchase and the masterlist link to your Pacapillar so we can add it!
How many times can I submit a prompt?
Unless it's stated otherwise, all prompts can only be submitted once.
The character I drew is not on the site!
Don't worry, it's not a requirement to list the characters you drew! Unless stated otherwise in the prompt details. This option is just to add the prompt to that character's "submissions" tab!
How long does it take for my prompt/MYO design/design update/claim to be approved?
Between 24-48 hours, we are a very small team of people and we manually check each, so we appreciate your patience!
Due to staff shortage we are currently experiencing delays of up to one week for approval.
I made a mistake when submitting my prompt or design request!
We are working on adding a way for users to cancel and edit their submissions, but meanwhile please do the following:
For prompts, please make another submission and clarify your last submission had an error. For design and myo approvals please wait for mods to cancel the request. If you need it to be cancelled urgently, please request it through the questions-and-answer channel on Discord!
Why was my prompt rejected?
Please make sure your prompt meets the requirements specified in the prompt details. If your prompt was rejected, it does not meet the requirements we specified.
Traits and rarities
Why is my uncommon slot listed as common?
As we previously explained in this announcement, common and uncommon are now the exact same rarity.
How do I know what traits belong to which rarity and their specifications?
You can read about traits in detail in our Encyclopedia! These entries always have the latest information. Please do not use the deviantART guides as your main reference, since they contain some outdated information.
How do I use upgrade berries?
To use upgrade berries, please attach them on your MYO approval request under the "Add-Ons" tab!
My Pacapillar has the wrong traits listed!
We can fix that, don't worry! Just message the group on dA or use the #questions-and-answers channel in our Discord server, listing the traits that are wrong or missing.
Please do this ONLY IF your pacapillar has at least ONE trait listed (not rarity), if it doesn't have any traits listed beyond rarity then it means its traits have not been put into the ML yet, but they will soon be! To speed things up, we are uploading all pacapillars and just listing them as Common, then coming back later to actually list the traits and rarity.
My Pacapillar has the wrong overall rarity listed, despite having all its traits listed!
Please post a message on the Help Desk or on our Discord's questions and answers channel explaining there is an issue, we'll change it for you.
My Pacapillar is listed as Common and has no traits listed but I know the traits they have!
Please submit a Design Update through their page and fill in the "traits" section with the correct traits, and write in the "Comments" section of the request that you are just submitting the trait list.
No berries are needed to just update the list of traits with the correct ones.
Can I use an Olera Berry to give a Mutation+ trait to my Pacapillar? How do I get Mutation+ traits?
No, to give a Mutation+ trait to your Pacapillar, you'll need a Ripe Olera, which are available in the Alley Shop and Cash Shop! You can also get Mutation+ traits is through customs and occasional sales!
Is Hollo Disease a mutation? How do I get Hollo Disease?
No, Hollo Disease is not a mutation! It is currently not obtainable but might show up in sporadic sales and is also available through customs at the same fee as Mutation+ traits.
Can I change my Pacapillar's subspecies?
Yes! The Berry Shop now carries Dubious Berries and Forbidden berries, which can be used to change the subspecies of an existing pacapillar, or used with an SR MYO slot to make a Natural (Dubious Berry) or Unnatural (Forbidden Berry) subspecies paca!
Redesigns and myos
Can I have someone else design my MYO?
Sure thing! Just be sure that they follow the guidelines for whichever kind of MYO you received! Commissioning an artist to make your design is ok too as long as you have the required MYO slot for it!
Can I give my Pacapillar accessories/remove accessories?
Yep! There's no restriction on accessories or outfits! Just do not try to mimic higher-rarity traits. Accessories that resemble wings in the back are not allowed.
Can I redesign my Pacapillar? What are the redesign rules?
Absolutely! We are quite lenient on what is acceptable for a redesign, just keep in mind the following things:
♣ The redesign should somewhat resemble the old design. Traits and colors can be changed, as long as we can tell it's not an entirely new Pacapillar. The exception to this is when commissioning toripng or Nokkelborth for redesigns.
♣ Traits can be downgraded for free, but trait upgrades require items. For example: If you have a Pacapillar with a "Super Rare" rarity, you can upgrade any "Common" traits in that Pacapillar to "Super Rare" or below by using a Commeli Berry for each trait you are upgrading, but if your Pacapillar is "Rare" and you want to upgrade a trait to "Super Rare", you'd need to use a Fragaria Berry and you would be able to upgrade any of the traits when submitting their design update! If you want to upgrade any other traits later on, you'll still need to use a Commeli Berry.
♣ To add traits your Pacapillar doesn't currently have, you'll require a Commeli Berry for every trait added.
How do I submit a redesign?
It's very easy to do! You'll need to go to the Masterlist entry for the Pacapillar you want to redesign, then click on "Update Design"

You'll be taken to a page that will allow you to upload a new picture for your Pacapillar, and you'll also be able to add on any items you'll need for the redesign!
If a Pacapillar has been redesigned, can I use the old design?
Not simultaneously, but if you'd like to revert the design, you may.
I uploaded a new picture to my design approval request/myo slot design but the incorrect picture is showing!
Chances are your picture did upload correctly but the site cache is showing you the wrong one. You can fix this by doing a hard refresh by pressing Ctrl + f5 (or also Ctrl + Shift + R on Chrome) and the correct picture should load!
How long does it take for my prompt/MYO design/design update/claim to be approved?
Between 24-48 hours, we are a very small team of people and we manually check each, so we appreciate your patience!
How do I earn Leaflets?
Currently, you can earn leaflets by submitting prompts through the site, as well as through participation in games hosted on our Discord server! Sometimes, participating in a DTA will also award you Leaflets. To earn Leaflets, it is necessary to have an account on this site!
What are Golden Berries for?
Golden Berries can be used in the Alley Shop to buy certain Berries and seasonal trait items, as well as Elixirs! Elixirs can be used to give your Pacapillar alternate forms. These alternate forms are NOT redesigns, and are valid alongside all other elixir forms! (Think of it as a temporary disguise more than a permanent change!)
Can I be a Guest Artist?
You can apply to be selected for a guest adoptable batch here (you must be 18 years or older to apply). You may resubmit your application with updated examples after at least eight months have passed. We do not delete any applications we receive, so please only submit a new form if you absolutely need to update your information. If you are interested in holding a leaflet or gold berry auction, please specify in the form! We are open to those options too. For LF and GB auctions we will not take a cut!
What are Shhrooms for? How can I get them?
Shhrooms can be obtained in two ways: you get one shhroom for each roll you buy in the companion gacha (when we are hosting one), or pledging to Nokkel's Patreon will allow you to exchange golden berries to shhrooms at the rate of 3 SHH for each GB