Q: So I don’t get all of the kids?
A: Each parent only gets 1 of the kids (or one parent gets both kids, if one person pays for both!)
Q: Can I use pacas that I don’t own?
A: Yes, so long as you have documented permission to use them (screenshots or the owner replying to your application message)
Q: Can I use Snekkets?
A: No, only Pacapillars are allowed to be used in this breeding event!
Q: Can I use forms?
A: No, only the base Paca may breed. If you have a subspecies form, or a form that includes traits not on the base paca, none of those traits will be eligible to be passed down to any of the children.
Q: Can someone else pay for me/my batch?
A: Yes, so long as you specify who is paying for the batch, and who is receiving the pacas!
Q: Why am I paying more than my partner?
A: Whoever pays more will get first pick on their pacapillar! This is to ensure that there is no in-fighting or discrepancies about who gets which paca.
Q: My partner picked the one I want/the only paca with the trait from my paca!
A: As stated in the previous question, whoever pays more will get first pick. We, the mod team, will not mediate any conflicts that go on behind closed doors, as it is the parents’ responsibility to hash things out.
Q: I paid for a higher tier but still didn’t get the trait I wanted!
A: The Silver and Gold tiers still do not fully guarantee traits (only boosts them), so please be aware that traits in these tiers are still rolled! There will only be 2 guaranteed instances of a trait if both parents have it (which applies to subspecies as well).
Q: Our pacas didn’t have that trait, so how does the child have it?
A: Many traits have lineage lines! For eg., if, out of two parents, one of the parents has the standard version of the mirror trait, they also have the chance of passing on the bioluminescence trait! These trait lineages are not published, so on top of the normal traits your paca has, it also has the potential to pass on other hidden traits!
Q: Why are subspecies pacas only allowed in certain tiers?
A: This is because they are the rarest, and we will be preserving their rarity to counteract the flood of new pacas being made. We strive to keep a balanced market for the ARPG items as well, so this is to ensure we don’t need to re-balance the dubious and forbidden berries!
Q: So even if we breed 2 unnatural subspecies pacas together, there’s only one guaranteed subspecies baby?
A: For the same reasons as the question above, yes, this is correct! However, this will only happen if both pacas are the same subspecies (two monsters will give one monster offspring)
Q: Why is my pairing not getting picked?
A: Picked pairings are up to the artists, which means that they are free to pick up pairings that interest them. Moderators will do their best to make sure that the maximum number of people are picked up at least once, but users can boost their chances by listing out more artists! If a majority of people only list one or two artists as their only pairings they would want to do their Corewarming batch, then it is unlikely that the artist(s) will be able to get to everyone.
Q: Can I message guest artists to convince them to pick my pairings?
A: Please do not do this! GA’s are not under any obligation to take any specific pairings, and anyone found doing this or behaving inappropriately towards GA’s may be banned from the event!
Q: Can I request certain traits, colors, or markings on my batch from a guest artist?
A: Guest artists do not control which traits they are allowed to use for a batch, and have been given a set of restrictions for colors/markings. Beyond these, they are under no obligation to use any specific colors/markings of your choosing on the pacas. Like the previous question, please do not contact and/or pester GA’s over this (before, during, or after the batch is picked up and completed), or you may be banned from the event!
Q: Can I still submit pacas where their combined traits are listed as “do not stack”?
A: Yes! But please be aware that at that point, if both traits are rolled enough times that the traits would overlap, then the artist will have the choice of picking one trait OR the other for the paca(s) it would overlap on. For eg., if spider eyes was rolled 3 times and no eyes was rolled 1 time on a batch of 3 pacas, spider eyes will be required on 2 of the pacas, but the artist can choose to put spider eyes OR no eyes on 1 of the pacas.
Q: I want to edit my submission; should I edit it, or delete and resubmit?
A: Please edit your submissions, not delete and resubmit! Only resubmit if you are changing who you are partnering with/scrapping a pairing entirely!