Site News

New Flash Prompt is Live!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Nokkelborth

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"This Really Socks is our current Flash Prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

New Flash Prompt is live!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Pix

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"This Really Socks" is our current Flash Prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

New Flash Prompt is live!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Nokkelborth

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"Movie Poster" is our current Flash Prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

New Flash Prompt is live!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Nokkelborth

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"Palette Challenge #3" is our current Flash Prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

Anniversary MYO sale!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Nokkelborth

On July 2nd we will be hosting a special MYO sale! This sale will have cheaper prices in celebration of our 5 year anniversary! The prices will be as follows:

Common slot - $20
Rare slot - $32
SR slot - $48
SR + 1 Mutation add-on - $80 

but there's a catch! To claim these discounted slots you must have a design ready for approval A picture (small resolution screenshot is ok!) must be included when submitting your payment form.
To participate in the sale, make sure you are part of our Discord server, since the claims will be through there. 


Slot type:
paypal email:
design: (include picture)

There will be unlimited stock on slots just for this sale! It will last 24 hours. Upgrades will be priced as normal

C to R - $20 
R to SR - $25 
Mutation Addition - $50 
Mutation+ Addition - $80 (stock will be 5) 
Texture change berry - $15 

New Flash Prompt is live!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Nokkelborth

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"Cooking Paca" is our current Flash Prompt, as well as the Mermay prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

For this prompt, there is a golden berry as a reward as well ;)

New Flash Prompt is live!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Nokkelborth

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"Mermay Prompt" is our current Flash Prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

New Flash Prompt is live!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Nokkelborth

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"Palette Challenge #2" is our current Flash Prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

New Flash Prompt is live!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Nokkelborth

There is a new Flash Prompt! Check it out here!

"Pixel Perfect" is our current Flash Prompt! You can see the details in the prompt page.

New Prompts!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Nokkelborth

Four new prompts have been added to the site! Check them out on our Prompt Page!

Monthly prompts will be re-posted every month! You can submit to these once a month per prompt.
Seasonal prompts are inspired by our current season or special themed prompts. These last longer and on occassion will give better rewards! We will be adding new prompts every now and then, we'll announce through the site whenever there is a new prompt or when prompts are reset!

As a reminder, all our prompts give Leaflets that you can use to buy upgrade berries on Barrie's Berry Shop!
Thank you to everyone that has joined our site so far! We hope you are finding it a useful tool ♥