New Octo Body Item
Fintastic Flakes will now exclusively be for the fins mutation, and Octo Body itself now has a unique Item called Fish and Ships. Due to this change, we are allowing a 3-month grace period to trade out your Fintastic Flakes for the new Fish and Ships item if you originally purchased Fintastic Flakes in the intent of using it for Octo Body. Until May 2nd, 2025, you may submit a claim on site here to have your item changed. Simply add "Fintastic Flakes Exchange" to your comment, and add your existing Fintastic Flakes to the "Add-Ons" section under the "Your Inventory" dropdown (this is so that the item gets automatically removed upon approval).
Secret Shop Grand Reopening
Our ARPG pet shop, the Secret Shop, has officially reopened! Stock now holds every pet that's at least 3 years old (or older), and prices have been drastically altered from the original 100
per pet, to now be 10
for common pets, 30
for rare pets, and 50
for super rare pets. To get Shhrooms cycling back into rotation, all 3 pet prompts (Companion Galore, Creature Feature, and Critter Spotlight), will reward 2
each upon approval. We've also added bundles to the Cash Shop where you can purchase 10
for $5, 30
for $15, and 50
for $25. Additionally, until the end of February, there is a free gift that can be claimed by all users in which you can get 50
to use freely in the Secret Shop to show our appreciation to all users, and celebrate the store reopening! (Note: Please only click the claim button once. Due to site lag, if you click it more than once you may end up with unfair distribution.)
If you wish to gain even more Shhrooms, please pledge to Nokkelborth 's patreon to gain the ability to trade your Golden Berries for Shhrooms! LINK

Addressing Site Lag
We are aware of the massive spikes in lag affecting the site currently making using the site quite difficult. This has resulted in some submissions getting duplicated, staff tasks being duplicated, or simply soft locking users from accessing pages. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this, so all we can really do is wait things out and hope that the speed of the site increases sooner rather than later. We've experienced these lag spikes in the past, and how long they would last has always been varied. While the site is having issues, we ask that you are just patient with it, our staff members, and other users alike, as this is something that affects all of us.
Mutation Items
Almost all of our standard mutations officially have items now. Admins are still discussing how to properly get these into circulation, but until then, please resume your MYO approvals as normal, using either an Olera Berry for mutations, or one of the items that had already been released in the past. Multi-Texture (Standard), Split (Standard), and the Snekket mutation, Wyvern, still need to be completed at the time of this newsletter being posted, however those should be completed soon and added to the site. (An update will be posted in the Discord server when the last three items have been uploaded.)

DTPAY Updates
We've reopened the second Draw The Paca Above you minigame channel in the Discord server, so we can now have 2 games running at once, making the wait much shorter, and opening the game up to more users. We've also increased the DTPAY criterion payout when submitting your final piece for rewards, this change hopefully making the activity more engaging to our users.