
Texture - Crystallized (Super Rare)

Category: Texture

The pacapillar is made of crystal. This can be cut, uncut, coral or ice. Sharp-faceted rocks and minerals will also fall under crystal. Crystal texture is not reflective or transparent unless mirror or partial transparency is applied. There are no limits to the shape, cut or style of the crystal texture as long as it does not resemble another trait too closely, such as spike extrusions, wings, etc. There are no limits on the colours and markings on crystal texture.

Texture - Plant/Petal (Super Rare)

Category: Texture

The pacapillar's body is covered in a plant-like texture. This includes wood, petals, leaves and all foliage-based textures. There are no limits on colour, style, shape or markings of this texture, but it must not resemble any other texture or trait unless those are applied to the paca as well.

Texture - Piñata (Super Rare)

Category: Texture

The pacapillar is made of layed, paper-thin flakes all over their body. There are no limits on the shape, size, markings or colours of the flakes, but they must not resemble any other trait unless that trait has been applied.

Head Feelers - S. Rare (Super Rare)

Category: Head Feelers

Very long feelers can exceed the paca's head to feet length. For Snekkets, these are feelers that extend beyond the hind legs.

These are all other types of feelers, including but not limited to: Feelers with layers, holes/tattered looking feelers, bat wings, complicated shapes. An SR Paca can have more than 9 head feelers. 


Cheek Nubs - S. Rare (Super Rare)

Category: Cheek Nubs

Very long nubs that are the height and length of the entire paca's body (or shorter). These are all other types of nubs, including but not limited to; wing-like nubs, nubs with holes or layers. A super rare pacapillar can more than 5 pairs of nubs.


Tail Feelers - S. Rare (Super Rare)

Category: Tail Feelers
Species: Pacapillar

Feelers that are 1.5 times the length of the pacapillar or shorter. There are no shape restrictions on Super Rare tail feelers. Super Rare Pacapillars can have more than 8 tail feelers, arranged in any way as long as they are within the tail area. The tails should be the same texture as the rest of the pacapillar unless a Multi-Texture Mutation is applied.

Ribbons (Super Rare)

Category: Extra Traits

The pacapillar or snekket has ribbon-like extrusions on their body. These ribbons are only connected to the paca in one or more spots, with the rest allowed to flow free. The ribbons do not need to be the same texture as the pacapillar or snekket, but cannot be anything other than matte unless a multi-texture mutation is used.

Transparency (Super Rare)

Category: Extra Traits

Transparency can be applied to any part of the Pacapillar/Snekket without restriction. This can range from being partially transparent to fully see-through.
A transparent Pacapillar/Snekket can have an empty body or have something visible inside, with no limits on what is placed inside. Objects include but are not limited to liquids, plants or food. These items will not require Multi-Texture regardless of their texture.

- Objects inside of the body are restricted to natural movement. Any unnatural movement will require Animation. Animals inside of the body will also require Animation.

Wing Shades (Super Rare)

Category: Extra Traits

The Pacapillar or Snekket has shades on their eyes. These can be goggle-like things that cover their eyes but allow them to see, or can just be connected to the corners of their eyes, not affecting their vision in any way. Wing shades do not have a length rarity or any similar restriction.

Aura/Halo (Super Rare)

Category: Extra Traits

The Pacapillar/Snekket has a halo or items of any shape floating around their body. These can come in various forms and may include but are not limited to stars, sparkles, clouds, hearts or other floating objects.
Aura/Halo is always present and cannot be removed. They can be translucent and elaborately decorated, with no limits on details.

- Aura/Halo is always static and cannot move without Animation. Elemental Auras (e.g. fire, smoke, clouds) are restricted to minimal movement. Any unnatural movement will require Animation.
- There is no exact limit on the number of Aura/Halos allowed, but if too many are present in the design Shedding will be required.
- Eyes floating or appearing within Auras or on Halos will always require Body Eyes.
- Animal shaped Auras will always require Animation.

Mirror (Super Rare)

Category: Extra Traits

The pacapillar or snekket's body is reflective. This is not a texture, and can be added on to any texture. No more than 30% of the pacapillars body can be reflective. In the masterlist entry, it must be stated or shown that parts of the body are reflective.

Glider Wings (Super Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Snekket
12 results found.