
Pincers (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Pacapillar
SOME or all of the PACA/SNEKKET'S limbs are replaced with pincers. Pincers can have layers or be shaped differently, or made to look like hooves, as long as they have a pointed end. 

  • Pincers can be the same texture as the rest of the pacapillar OR Matte
  • Standard Pacapillar pincers must be small and can only replace up to three sets of limbs
    • They can be slightly bigger than normal nubs, but must not be the length that poison, monster and winged pacapillars are allowed
  • They cannot have segments or claws like monsters and hardshelled pacas
  • This trait is not available for Snekkets

Multi-Texture (Standard) (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The paca has two or three textures on their body. Each texture needs to be present over a large enough area on the paca's body. Textures can only be within the rarity of a paca (eg; a rare paca cannot have mist and crystals, but they can have transparent and mist).

Shedding (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The pacapillar is always shedding an object or bits of their texture. The object can be anything, and is not affected by the overall rarity of the pacapillar. The pacapillar can shed objects from any part of it's body. In masterlist images, the paca should be shown to shed the object.

Slug Body (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Pacapillar

The pacapillar's limbs are replaced with a slug-like body (similar to softshelled pacas). Pacapillars with slug bodies may or may not still have partial front limbs. The texture of the slug body must be the same texture as the rest of their body (unless a multi texture mutation is applied), but the bottom can appear soft.

Split (Standard) (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Pacapillar

A single core turns into two or three pacapillars instead of one. The three are smaller than a regular pacapillar of their subspecies (eg; monster splits would be bigger than standard paca splits). All three splits must share a clear theme and have similarities. Splits are always three separate pacas unless an alternate form is given with the use of Elixirs or they are a winged split (a cherub). Cherub pacas can merge into one or split in two rather than three at will. Monster splits are called Imps, but they do not have the same abilities and do not share a core. All subspecies are capable of having splits. Split pacas can have different textures only if a multi texture mutation is used.

Chameleon (Standard) (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Pacapillars with a standard chameleon mutation can either change their colour or their pattern but not both. Pattern change allows pacapillars to change their markings, but keep the colours and all other traits the same (eg; switching between pink stripes and pink spots). Colour change allows a pacapillar to change it's colour but not it's markings or other traits (eg; from red stripes to blue stripes). "Standard" means that only one of the two is allowed, this mutation is not exclusive to standard pacapillars, and can apply to all the subspecies as well as split pacapillars. In masterlist images, the alternate colours/patterns of the pacapillar should be shown as well.

Paws (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Pacapillar

One or more of the pacapillar's limbs are replaced with mammal-like paws. These can be any kind, with claws and pawpads being an optional part of them. They must be the same texture as the pacapillar, and do not add any height to the pacapillar.

Spider Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The pacapillar has 3-10 eyes on the face. The eyes do not have to be arranged in a specific way, and cannot be present outside the face area (beyond the forehead or under the 'chin' and on the sides of the head). Please refer to "Body eyes" for this. Unless it's paired with the "No Eyes" mutation, the pacapillar will still have a pair of eyes in their default placement.

No Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

A Pacapillar has no eyes in the default position on it's face. It can still have a marking on it's face to indicate eye sockets, but it cannot see. This mutation can be paired with other Eye-type mutations to give the pacapillar eyes on the body, away from the face or on other parts of the face area.

Cyclops (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The pacapillar has only one eye. The single eye can be in the default position of the pacapillar's face (with the other one missing), or can be anywhere in the face area (not going past the default eye position, above the forehead or below the chin).

Body Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The pacapillar will have eyes on it's body or any part not covered by the face area, including on it's feelers or the back of it's head. There can be any number of eyes on the body. The paca will still have a pair of eyes in the default face location unless this is paired with a "No Eyes" mutation.

Animation (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

A part of the pacapillar is animated and can move on it's own. This includes aura, feelers, extrusions and prehensile feelers (feelers functioning as limbs). This does not apply to feelers moving to express emotion, but for parts that move independantly of the pacapillar. Feelers can change shape slightly; eg fire feelers can constantly move, flower feelers can bloom and wilt.

Multi-Tail (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Snekket

Wyvern (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Snekket

Single Tail (Standard) (Mutation)

Category: Tail Feelers
Species: Pacapillar

The pacapillar has a single tail feeler, or a tail feeler that is much longer or more elaborate than the others the pacapillar has. The single tail will still have to follow the rarity of the paca, as well as not be longer than the size for a Super Rare tail feeler.

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