
Spider Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The pacapillar has 3-10 eyes on the face. The eyes do not have to be arranged in a specific way, and cannot be present outside the face area (beyond the forehead or under the 'chin' and on the sides of the head). Please refer to "Body eyes" for this. Unless it's paired with the "No Eyes" mutation, the pacapillar will still have a pair of eyes in their default placement.

Spider Eyes (Poison) (Natural Subspecies)

Category: Mutation
Species: Pacapillar (Poison subtype)

The pacapillar has 3-10 eyes on it's face area. They will still have a pair of eyes in the default position, and the extra eyes cannot go past the default eyes/onto the cheeks of the paca, above the forehead or below the chin. This is a common trait for Poison Pacapillars, and a Mutation for both Shelled Pacas and Gilled Pacas. All other Eye Mutations (cyclops, No Eyes and Body Eyes) are still considered Mutations for all natural species.

Spider Eyes (Monster) (Unnatural Subspecies)

Category: Mutation
Species: Pacapillar (Monster subtype)

The pacapillar has 3-10 eyes on it's face area. They will still have a pair of eyes in the default position, and the extra eyes cannot go past the default eyes/onto the cheeks of the paca, above the forehead or below the chin. This is a common trait for Monster Pacapillars, and a Mutation for Winged Pacapillars. All other Eye Mutations (cyclops, No Eyes and Body Eyes) are still considered Mutations for all unnatural species.

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