Submission (#8147) Approved

19 May 2024, 17:52:37 CDT (4 months ago)
20 May 2024, 13:29:31 CDT (4 months ago) by TornPages


Socks was having a particularly rough day, while foraging around for seeds rather than buying them he had gotten lost in the forest. He heavily regretted his cheap antics to save a couple leaflets and vowed to just buy from Darling from now on but as of right now, he needed to focus on finding a way out. He was smart enough to go during the early morning, so he knew that he had plenty of time before the sun began to set and was at least glad he thought that through. He wandered and wandered and wandered for what felt like an eternity not realizing he had only gotten himself even more lost than when he had started. it felt like he was going around in circles and swore he had seen that same tree before but in reality, he hadn't as was only going deeper into the forest. hours had passed and he realized the sun had actually begun to set, more time than he thought he had spent in the forest had passed and Socks teared up with the realization setting in that he was really, truly lost and that he needed some serious help if he was going to make it out of here. the sun had almost fully set now, and Socks began to panic, his steady pace turned into a frantic speed walk and the frantic speed walking turned into a full spring. He heard strange noises all around him and nothing more than get out and never look back. it had gotten so dark he could barely see and was starting to get tired but pure perseverance and the fear of what was out there drove him to keep going although that soon wore out and Socks was exhausted. His sprint had slowed all the way down to a slow trudge and he was dragging his feet across the grassy floor beneath him. his eyes were drooping, and he could barely keep them open except when he heard rustling from a bush or a strange howl in the distance that would jolt him awake again but only for a moment. tired from lack of sleep and feet sore from walking all day he decided to take a break in a clearing he found, it was a large open field only lit by the moonlight itself. Socks fell asleep under the stars and hoped that tomorrow would be a better day when he could find his way out and back to the sanctity of his own home. As the sun arose and the moon had set Socks awoke to the chirping of the birds and a light breeze. in the distance, he notices what he once believed to have been trees but in actuality were rows upon rows of tall, magnificent sunflowers. The sunrise behind them illuminated them with a soft orange-yellow glow making it seem like the flowers themselves were the ones producing the light. He had never seen so many flowers in one place before and was absolutely mesmerized by their beauty, so much so that he completely forgot that he was lost. in a trance of sorts, he made his way over to the sunflower meadow and took in their sweet smell, he loved how they also had an earthy smell to them as well and contemplated taking some home. he decided against it as he figured it would end up killing the poor plant that someone probably put a lot of time and effort into growing and would feel terrible to destroy their hard work like that. instead, he made a mental note to ask if Darling had seeds when he found a way out of the forest and back to his home. although in that moment reality struck him like a truck as he had completely forgotten that he was lost and thinking of making it home reminded him of that. once again panicked but less so than when it was dark he looked around the meadow in hopes of some sign of civilization and managed to spot a small farmhouse just past the tall flowers. he walked over still taking the time to glance at the sunflowers and really bask in their glory. Socks approached the small farmhouse and quietly knocked on the door. he waited a bit but had assumed the Pacca who lived there was either asleep or not at home. turning away and contemplating whether or not to try and find his way out of the forest like was doing before he stopped in his tracks hearing some shuffling from inside the house. "Just a minute" a voice called out; Socks had never turned his head around so fast. The old door creaked open and a kind-looking Pacca looked at him curiously. He explained his situation to them and asked if they knew the way out. the kind stranger told them it would be easier to guide them out themselves and Socks quickly agreed. after a long walk out of the woods, he finally made it back to the entrance and was happier than ever however when he turned towards the kind stranger to thank them, they were gone. confused at how the Pacca could've disappeared like that without a sound he looked around but was too scared to go back into the woods in case he got lost again. As Socks was walking home thinking about this interaction and the kind stranger with the meadow full of sunflowers a light breeze blew by, and he swore he could smell the sweet flowers and wondered if maybe he can one day find his way back.


Reward Amount
Leaflets 2500
Golden Berry 5

Criteria Rewards

Writing - 1000 Leaflets

Request Rejection if Changes are Needed: Off
Characters Featured: 1
Gift Writing: Off
Character of the Month Featured: Off
Pets You Own: 0
NPCs: 0
Additional 100 Words: 6
Commissioned Writing: Off


Thumbnail for G-0642: Socks

G-0642: Socks

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

DreamsAndDeath's Bank

Currency Quantity