August Newsletter

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by TornPages

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! We apologize for the delay this month, however we have many updates this month we need to cover! We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

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Major Updates
Berry Reset

The time has come! Be sure to save up your Leaflets and Gold Berries, the specialty berry restock is approaching quickly, more specifically on August 15th. Personal counters for Forbidden Berries, Dubious Berries, and Olera Berries will be reset back to 0, allowing you to purchase them once more to use on your designs! Reminder that these berries when bought with site currency can NOT be transferred to other users after purchase; if you are looking to buy a berry for someone else, you will need to either provide them with the appropriate site currency to purchase for themselves, OR purchase the berry yourself in our Cash Shop!

Shell Texture Retirement

After staff discussion, we have decided that we will be retiring the rare rarity Shell Texture. Any existing Pacapillars or Snekkets that currently have Shell Texture will have their Shell Texture traded out for Matte Texture + Extrusions. Please be patient with staff as we work through the masterlist to fix any affected characters accordingly, as well as alter our visusal guide. From now on, we ask that you please use the combination of Matte Texture + Extrusions instead of Shell Texture on your MYO designs.

Paca + Snekket Leg Sizing

For a while now, leg sizes for both Pacapillars and Snekkets have been very rough, and we had no way to depict when legs were too big, often resulting in stress for both users and staff members alike. After some discussion amongst the team, we have determined what is ok for leg sizes in either species, and what may be considered a bit extreme. Our staff member, TornPages , has created the below guides (click to go to a larger version) based on this discussion, depicting a generalized visual idea as to how big the leg to body ratio should be on both Pacapillars and Snekkets.
NOTE: We try to allow our users plenty of flexibility in their art styles, so in a case-by-case scenario we may allow chunkier or longer legs, however please note that staff have the right to request edits to the design or prompt submission's anatomy if we deem the legs as too big or too long. The below visuals are simply to provide a rough, generalized idea, and are in no way policing unique art styles.



Minor Updates
Game Nights!

ChaoChild 's Discord game nights will take place on August 17th at 2 pm CST for a standard game night, and August 24th at 2 pm CST for game of Frankenpaca! There will be reminders posted in the server when they're getting things ready and when the game is live! Be sure to keep an eye out to have some fun with what they have planned!

If you haven't yet, and you would like to participate in game nights, you can pick up the ping role for game nights in our #directory channel in the server!

Discord Server

DTPAY Criteria Bonus

Though users have always been able to submit their DTPAY pieces for prompts, we decided to make this more rewarding by adding a small bonus amount of Leaflets for anyone who completes a DTPAY drawing within their time limit and submits it to the site as a prompt. Within your art criteria form, there will be a new switch titled "DTPAY Submission". Simply check turn this on to claim the new bonus on your artwork. You will have a bonus 125 Leaflets added to your total rewards if your submission is valid.
NOTE: This bonus can only be claimed for art pieces completed for our Discord Server minigame, Draw The Paca Above You. Pieces must be completed within your given timeframe, and the bonus cannot be claimed if you missed your deadline or dropped out of your claim.
Want to play DTPAY? You can pick up the ping role in our #directory channel to get a ping whenever there's a character open for claims in the #draw-the-paca-above-you channel!

Claude... Real...

Congrats to our user, FluffyFoxOfFate for winning our NPC art contest, and providing our boy, Claude, with an official artwork for his masterlist entry to finally exist! With this official reference, you can now draw (or write) him with ease to include in your prompt submissions, rolling in a nice little NPC bonus in your criteria as well ;3 (This also includes all of our NPCs however, not just Claude! Go give our NPCs some love for some bonus profit <3 )
Check out his official masterlist entry here: 

Chikara's Internship

Last year, the pacapillar, Chikara, started an internship in hosting the newsletters, and we are pleased to announce that his internship was a success! He has been a huge help, but now it's time for him to move on to future endevors. Chikara will be retiring as an NPC, and instead, our NPC Mach will be covering his position in bringing newsletters to everyone every month. We thank everyone who read newsletters over the past year in helping Chikara achieve his goals!



Current Events
Mirage Festival
July 5th, 2024 - September 5th, 2024
Mirage Festival continues, releasing a lore-based prompt with an interactive dialogue! We hope you're ready for a little bit of Paca drama, and who knows? Maybe even a cliffhanger~
Be sure to complete the previous 3 drawn/written prompts (with the exception of the crafting prompt being optional) to the event before submitting the new lore prompt or your submission may be rejected!
Remember to use your Monet Tickets at the Mirage Prize Stand in our shops to get some event-exclusive items! The Mirage Prize Stand will be open from the start of the event until the 12th of September. After that, all Monet Tickets will be reset to 0 to start anew for next year.


Design Schedule
  • No Guest Artists are planned for this month!
  • Designs by Nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month


Gibby works as the strong man at Monty's Circus in the summer, and as a substitute teacher in the off months. He's a naturally strong paca but likes to also work out to build his strength more. He's very much a gym bro at heart and has also picked up cooking to make sure he has a calorie-rich diet to keep him healthy. He lives with his best friend/brother Skye, who is often not home due to his adventures.

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature


Hiding in the sand of beaches, Crabstles can often be found, disguising themselves as sand castles with their specially shaped and textured shells! Generally a rather shy creature, a Crabstle will typically hide the main part of its body beneath the sand, taking a nap, or simply hiding from any intruders around its territory. Though generally docile, they may still pinch you if you get too close!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to Nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as:
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by Nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!


Wow you scrolled far enough to find a dancing Hero!

[!] be continued...[!]


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