Hibiscus is a sassy little so-and-so who enjoys retorting back at you almost as much as he does vibing over the rim of a cool summer drink.
He's more than a little rude to others and quite happy striking out on his own, although recently he's stumbled across an absent-minded, whimsical little paca who he just can't seem to leave behind. He struggles with sensitive pacas who take his words to heart, seeing his cutting remarks as nothing more than playful, sometimes irritable, banter. He's more likely to just leave a difficult situation than work through it and loathes being roped in to "side errands" in the rare event he agrees to help someone else, though Themis' helpful nature tends to twist his nubs despite his protests.
Hibiscus loves toasty weather and has a soft spot for summer flowers. It's sometimes difficult to get insight into his real interests but if there's one way to get him to open up, it's definitely a paca-sized glass of fruit punch over ice!