G-1800: Nebula★'s Links

Relationship Status: Family
Her big brother. She wants be just a smart as he is! Would sit listen to all the lessons he gives her if she could. However, she can't help but nodd off sometimes.
His little sister. Respects her greatly and appreciates her efforts at being a great learner. However, he would appreciate less falling asleep while hes trying to teach her these valuable lessons. Will do his best to keep her and the rest of his family safe.

Relationship Status: Family
Her cousin. It's so odd. How could a paca change so drastically? How could things go down hill so quickly? Then when they pop back up everything's all hunky dory? She's confused, but maybe she'll be less confused if she at least speak to them.
Their cousin. Estrella may still be upset with them, but at least Nebula's willing to at least talk again.

Relationship Status: Family
Her annoying little brother! Plays around too darn much! Nebby always has a way to get the last laugh though.
His big sister. They both had the biggest sibling rivalry ever! Navi loves to get on her nerves.