G-0775: Drake's Links

Relationship Status: ???
Though not officially a couple, these two oft. talk about each other as partners or lovers. From the original meeting (Drake trying to protect the new hoard he found, not seeing curiosity on top) they knew they'd get along well, Which led to a egg showing up during a good day of bonding. In the end both agreed they'd make the best baby together and went with it, and proceeded to make the most baby-boy ever- Nova

Relationship Status: ???
"You're my dad, boogie woogie woogie" Nova and Drake get along beautifully. Where Nova went with his other father for treasure advice, he goes out with drake to hunt said treasure for the good part of his childhood. Now that he's old enough to entertain himself and make relationships they don't go out together as much to terrorize, but they make sure to meet up every few days to story tell and bond