Profile 0-0383

Owned by Saka


Name Trigger(orange)
Called ...
Age Young Teens
Gender ...
Birthday July 15th (Cancer)

Green has a relatively simple personality: fierce and stubborn. She fears little, which is demonstrated when she directly and disrespectfully addresses those she questions, demanding that her questions be answered. She is clearly a rebel at heart. Independent and strong-willed, she prefers to work alone. But if her friends are in danger, Green won't hesitate to jump into the fray.

Normally laid-back and joking, Trigger is short tempered when someone is being rude to him. He also has tendencies to grab anything near him and throw it to the person he's angry at. Trigger also sometimes makes an evil devilish face when he's angry with someone or is opposing someone, which scares them. He is however, naive and childish when the talk is about graffiti or skating. Trigger displays weird antics as he doesn't want to sit down in the house of other people.

Blue is quite relaxed most of the time as he occasionally skips out on things he finds boring. He is quite cunning, mischievous, and somewhat sadistic, usually playing foul, tricking, and at times manipulating, humiliating and fighting others. Despite his somewhat sadistic nature, Blue actually has good values behind his motives, and can be quite empathetic. However, Blue also tends to be quite impulsive, to the point of becoming truly brutal and cruel when fighting with people who threaten him or any of his friends..

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