
Spider Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The pacapillar has 3-10 eyes on the face. The eyes do not have to be arranged in a specific way, and cannot be present outside the face area (beyond the forehead or under the 'chin' and on the sides of the head). Please refer to "Body eyes" for this. Unless it's paired with the "No Eyes" mutation, the pacapillar will still have a pair of eyes in their default placement.

No Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

A Pacapillar has no eyes in the default position on it's face. It can still have a marking on it's face to indicate eye sockets, but it cannot see. This mutation can be paired with other Eye-type mutations to give the pacapillar eyes on the body, away from the face or on other parts of the face area.

Body Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

The pacapillar will have eyes on it's body or any part not covered by the face area, including on it's feelers or the back of it's head. There can be any number of eyes on the body. The paca will still have a pair of eyes in the default face location unless this is paired with a "No Eyes" mutation.

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