Core Warming Applications

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Quiche

Hello, and thank you all for participating in Core Warming! This is where users will post their applications for wave 1.

Need a refresher on the details of this event? Please reference the Core Warming Masterpost! Otherwise, questions about the event can either be asked on that post, or in our Discord’s QnA channel (please do not post them on this applications post)!


Some important things to keep in mind:
  • Please note that the application cap per wave is 4. If you apply with another person (each gets one paca) then that counts as 1 entry for both of you, but if you do any pairing (regardless of paca owner) where 1 person receives both children, that counts as 2 entries for the person receiving it. If someone volunteers a paca for a pairing in which they are not receiving a child, that will not count as an entry towards their 4. In general, you count your number of entries by the amount of potential children you will be receiving out of all of your applications in total for that wave. 
  • Only one person needs to post an application. The partner, or pacapillar parent donor (a person who owns a paca and is lending them out, and is not receiving either of the children) only needs to reply to the application confirming their participation in the batch.
  • Each batch type and batch number have different prices! Please reference the Masterpost for all the relevant price guides.
  • Applications can be submitted and will be chosen from throughout wave one, so you do not have to worry about getting yours in as soon as the applications open!


How this will work:

A user will post their application, and if necessary, their partner will confirm. A guest artist will then contact the user(s) on discord to let them know they are taking their pairing! After payment has been made, the artist will have traits rolled for the paca offspring, and will complete the art for the batch. After completion, the artist will show the completed children to the parent(s), and whoever paid more will have first pick. Please note that after the owner(s) have picked, it may take a little bit for the mods to get it onto the masterlist! 


Application form:

**Play.pacas Username(s):** (usernames here)

**Discord Username(s):** (usernames with the #number here)

**Pacapillar Parent 1:** (masterlist link)

**Pacapillar Parent 2:** (masterlist link)

**Batch Quantity:** (3-5) 

**Batch Type:** (Bronze, Silver, or Gold)

**Paca distribution:** (which one or two users are keeping the offspring; please specify who is paying more to get first pick if necessary)

**Preferred Artists:** (list specific artists or put no preference/any; no preference will give better chances of your application being selected)

**Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event:** (replies, or just type “owner” if you are the owner)

**By applying for this event, you are agreeing to the terms and rules listed for the event. Designs are up to interpretation by the artist and are not full customs. You do not get to mandate where the remaining designs go or who they belong to in post. You should be prepared to pay when an artist selects your application, you are responsible for voiding other applications if you cannot afford multiple. Please type “agree” if you fully acknowledge these terms:** (type agree)

**If you are getting a child from this application but did not post it, you must reply to confirm that the above information is correct and up to date, and that you also agree to our TOS!**



endersarts Avatar

Play.pacas Username(s): EndersArts, MintyMilja

Discord Username(s): EnderGirl01#1152 and MintyMilja#1923

Pacapillar Parent 1:

Pacapillar Parent 2:

Batch Quantity: 3

Batch Type: Bronze

Paca distribution: We are each taking an offspring, and MintyMilja is paying priority fee for first pick!

Preferred Artists: No preference

Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event: I am one owner, MintyMilja will respond with permission also.

By applying for this event, you are agreeing to the terms and rules listed for the event. Designs are up to interpretation by the artist and are not full customs. You do not get to mandate where the remaining designs go or who they belong to in post. You should be prepared to pay when an artist selects your application, you are responsible for voiding other applications if you cannot afford multiple. Please type “agree” if you fully acknowledge these terms: I agree

2021-05-24 14:41:12

MintyMilja Avatar

Confirming! <3

2021-05-24 14:53:27

Whirlwind-Tigress Avatar

Play.pacas Username(s): Azrael, Whirlwind-Tigress

Discord Username(s): Whirlwind-Tigress#8719, Azrael

Pacapillar Parent 1:

Pacapillar Parent 2:

Batch Quantity: 3

Batch Type: Bronze

Paca distribution: 1 Paca Each and Whirlwind-Tigress gets first pick.

Preferred Artists: Any

Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event: Own Gumi Jinx, Will get a confirmation reply from Azrael

By applying for this event, you are agreeing to the terms and rules listed for the event. Designs are up to interpretation by the artist and are not full customs. You do not get to mandate where the remaining designs go or who they belong to in post. You should be prepared to pay when an artist selects your application, you are responsible for voiding other applications if you cannot afford multiple. Please type “agree” if you fully acknowledge these terms: I agree

2021-05-24 14:30:24

Quiche Avatar

EDIT: Partner has deleted an entry, this application is good to go!

2021-05-24 15:26:23 (Edited 2021-05-24 16:08:05)

Azrael Avatar

Confirming and I agree to tos

2021-05-24 14:31:55

CandyChameleon Avatar
Featured by Owner

Please note that if my other application/pairing is picked, I would like to void this one! I cannot afford both, and have a preference for the other pairing I posted.

Play.pacas Username(s): CandyChameleon

Discord Username(s): CandyChameleon#7509

Pacapillar Parent 1:

Pacapillar Parent 2:

Batch Quantity: 4

Batch Type: Gold

Paca distribution: N/A, I own both

Preferred Artists: Any!

Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event: Owner

By applying for this event, you are agreeing to the terms and rules listed for the event. Designs are up to interpretation by the artist and are not full customs. You do not get to mandate where the remaining designs go or who they belong to in post. You should be prepared to pay when an artist selects your application, you are responsible for voiding other applications if you cannot afford multiple. Please type “agree” if you fully acknowledge these terms: Agree

2021-05-24 14:18:20 (Edited 2021-06-01 22:22:31)

Nokkelborth Avatar
Nokkelborth Staff Member

Yes hello? I'd love to take this batch :3 I'm about to head off for the night, but if you could please message me on Discord to arrange payment that would be great!

2021-05-24 20:21:04

CandyChameleon Avatar

Play.pacas Username(s): CandyChameleon

Discord Username(s): CandyChameleon#7509

Pacapillar Parent 1:

Pacapillar Parent 2:

Batch Quantity: 4

Batch Type: Gold

Paca distribution: N/A, I own both and will be picking both offspring choices

Preferred Artists: Any!

Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event: Owner

By applying for this event, you are agreeing to the terms and rules listed for the event. Designs are up to interpretation by the artist and are not full customs. You do not get to mandate where the remaining designs go or who they belong to in post. You should be prepared to pay when an artist selects your application, you are responsible for voiding other applications if you cannot afford multiple. Please type “agree” if you fully acknowledge these terms: Agree

2021-05-24 14:05:54

CandyChameleon Avatar

Voiding this application as my other pairing was picked!

2021-05-25 14:06:13

MmeDoubtfire Avatar

Play.pacas Username(s): SammySoou and MintyMilja

Discord Username(s): MintyMilja#1923 / SammySoou#9358

Pacapillar Parent 1:

Pacapillar Parent 2:

Batch Quantity: 3

Batch Type: Bronze

Paca distribution: 1 for each, MintyMilja get first pick and Sammy second c:

Preferred Artists: No preference

Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event: Yes, owner and Minty

By applying for this event, you are agreeing to the terms and rules listed for the event. Designs are up to interpretation by the artist and are not full customs. You do not get to mandate where the remaining designs go or who they belong to in post. You should be prepared to pay when an artist selects your application, you are responsible for voiding other applications if you cannot afford multiple. Please type “agree” if you fully acknowledge these terms: Agree! c:

2021-05-24 13:20:51

MintyMilja Avatar

I confirm!

2021-05-24 13:25:51

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