Friend Matchmaker

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"Thyme! Thyyyyymeeeeeee!" Lumi calls out through the forest. "You can come out you know, it's only me. I hope she's around here, I really want to invite her..." He yelps as thyme seemingly materializes out of the darkness, her monster size towering over the small winged.

"What do you want little pacapillar?"

"Holy heck Thyme! Don't sneak up on a guy like that, jeez!"

"My apologies."

"Apology accepted!" He says cheerfully. "Anyway, I was going to invite you out for the Boreal Wishes Festival! That is unless you have other plans."

"I'm not really a 'going out' paca."

"Aww come on, it'll be fun! Besides, you can invite all your friends to come as well. We'll have a big paca party!!!"

"I don't really have any friends."

Lumi gasped in shock. "Nub Thyme, no friends?! How sad! Well then, I guess I'll be friend number one! Don't worry, I'll help you meet loooaaads of other pacapillars, you'll have lots of friends in no time!"

"Oh, no, that's really not necessary," Thyme began, but was cut off by Lumi already flying away. "I'll meet you at the edge of the forest at sundown on the day of the festival! Don't be late!!!" He called over his shoulder. Thyme sighed, shaking her head, and disappeared back into the forest.

(Time skip)

Lumi paced back and forth at the treeline, waiting for Thyme to arrive. "I really hope she didn't get lost," he mumbled. "Who didn't get lost" Lumi yelped and turned around. "Again Thyme?!" She chuckled a bit. "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"That's ok, I'm just so happy you could make it! I was worried you weren't going to come."

Thyme nodded her head as Lumi bounced up and down excitedly. "I'm only here because you asked me to be."

"Follow me!" Lumi began to lead her into town. "Come on, come on!" He said excitedly as he tugged at Thyme's long rabbit ear. "I have someone I want you to meet!" Thyme rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Stop pulling on me." Lumi ignored her and continued to lead her through the crowded market street, full of pacapillars and snekkets here to celebrate the festive holiday. "There's a pacapillar here I'd really like you to meet! I've only met her a handful of times, but you two seem like you might get along super nicely. She likes clothes and flowers too! Oh! Here we are, this is hers!" Lumi dragged Thyme into a soft, cute-looking shop with a sign reading, "Sachet's Pillow Fort".

Thyme protests at the thought of meeting someone new but before she can stop him Lumi has pulled her to the front of the store, where a purple, plush pacapillar sits nubbing the front desk. "Ta-da!" he exclaims. "Thyme, meet Sachet! Sachet, meet Thyme! Now Sachet, I know Thyme looks a little scary at first but I promise she's actually really nice. Well? Go on!" Lumi nudges Thyme in Sachet's direction.

Sachet blinks for a moment, trying to process the waterfall of words that was just thrown in her direction. "Um, hi?" Thyme says uncertainly.

"Uh, hi! I'm Sachet."


"What brings you in today?"

"Lumi here seems to have some half baked idea that I need to make more friends. He says I'm lonely. So he pushed me into your shop." Thyme says, glaring in Lumi's direction. He quickly pretends to be browsing the store's stock of plushies instead of eavesdropping.

"I see," Sachet replies with a smile. "Lumi does tend to get into other people's business a lot. I do really love your hat though, it's quite nice. Wherever did you get it?"

"Oh, I sewed this myself."

"Really?! It's amazing design and craftsmanship. I especially like the scallops along the brim! I myself have a fine collection of hats for sale here in my shop, would you like to come and see them?"

Thyme nods as she follows Sachet. Sachet leads her over to the hats and scarves section of the store. Lumi continues to watch them, "sneakily" spying from behind a coat rack. Or at least, he thinks he's spying. He's not actually all that sneaky (especially with his brightly glowing tail nubs illuminating him and the space around him). Thyme and Sachet continue to ignore him as they talk about clothing, patterns, and sewing techniques. They seem to have really hit it off with each other.

Eventually, Lumi nods to himself, satisfied with his work, and flies out of the shop, leaving the two new friends to themselves. He flies around the festival for a little while, checking out various shops, meeting up with some of his other friends, and all around partying and enjoying himself before heading home.

(Time skip 2.0)

Several days later, Lumi is at his house, making himself a delicious hot fudge and brownie sundae and rocking out to his music.  He flapped his wings and shook his tail nubs as he cut up a banana to put on top. As he was reaching for the marshmallows, he heard a knock at the door. He quickly licked the chocolate of his nubbins and paused his music. "I'm coming!" He called. He dried his hands on a towel and then dashed to his front door. He swung it open but no one was there! Only a basket of goodies sat on the branch outside his door. He looked around, "Hello?" No one answered him. "Oh well," he shrugged, picking up the basket and bringing it inside. He pulled the note off of the side of the basket and opened it, reading aloud to himself. "Dearest Lumi, thank you for the newfound friendship. Signed, Thyme and Sachet." He pulled the tissue wrap off of the goodies to reveal an adorable patchwork plush. A pacapillar made of rainbows and ribbons, decorated with fresh flowers. "Aww! How nice of them!!! I'll cherish it forever," he said, squishing the plush to his chest. He put the flowers in a bowl of water and set them on his table. Then he enjoyed his sundae with his newfound plushy pal.

Friend Matchmaker
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In Prompt Writing ・ By MadasaHatter
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Submitted By MadasaHatter for New Friends
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[Friend Matchmaker by MadasaHatter (Literature)](


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