A gift to the souls

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With a flower resting in her rays, she sat by the tree of souls, feeling its energy radiating stronger than it usually did. It unnerved Genesis a little how quiet it was around the tree, but at the same time there was peace. The tree itself, however, was a pretty sight. The aura around it lit up the night beautifully, and the giant crystal attached to it shimmered in the light the aura gave off. 


But Genesis was not here just to look, they were there for a visit. Genesis, among many other pacas, had someone who's soul would call the tree home. 


The guilt pushed deep into their core, as well as the guilt that lingered In her mind would soon come forward. They were there paying their respects to this paca while they were shattered, but Genesis had failed to give them any while they were living. 


They were the only one that hadn't completely given up on Genesis. Tired of him they were indeed, but at the same time they couldn't just let go. In their eyes there was still hope at least redirecting the path Genesis's life was going down. This effort was met by being brushed off or yelled at for going against or standing in the way of Genesis's will. 


As all can see, Genesis did change, but they died before they could ever see it. They died before Genesis could ever realize just how much she took them for granted, and how mistreated they were. 


It was scary how easy it was for Genesis to just view someone as a tool and toss them aside. She couldn't even understand why they even gave her the time of day. She appreciated them, but they were much too late in doing so. 


With tearful eyes, she poured some magic into the flower. The flower slowly began to fade into a sparkling dust. Genesis watched as the dust rose up into the air, and seeped into the giant crystal. 


A gift, for all the trouble she caused them. A sign to let them know that corruption no longer lives in her core.

A gift to the souls
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In Prompt Art ・ By Rocketbiscuitz
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Submitted By Rocketbiscuitz for Alone With the Tree of Souls
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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