Cup of Warmth

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The wind blew furiously against the walls, the screeching echoing throughout the mostly empty house. Despite springtime approaching, the wind was just as active as it was throughout the winter season. Raymune paced nervously between her kitchen and living room, trying to distract herself from the roaring wind. Things like this didn't always make her nervous, but it had been especially bad today. She couldn't wait for spring, for the sun to shine and for the wind to calm down. Raymune had begun to get lost in thought, but was quickly shaken back into focus when her snekket, Pillowy, nudged her harshly. Raymune let out a small "Eep!" in surprise, and turned to face the long pink creature.

"Oh, Pillowy." Raymune scratched her head nervously. "You must be hungry.."

The Snekket was, in fact, not hungry. Without much of a way to communicate this, Pillowy watched as Raymune began to prepare a meal, again getting lost in thought. While the red pacapillar was busy, Pillowy began to rummage through the cupboards. The noises once again got Raymune's attention, a loud thud of a box scaring her.

"Pillowy, hold on! I'm getting you something!" Raymune squeaked.

Frustrated, Pillowy dragged Raymune by the tail feeler and pulled her to the cupboard. She pawed at a box of packets on a lower shelf, and stared into Raymune's eyes.

Raymune, growing unsettled, grabbed the box. Sachet Special Hot Cocoa read the box label. There were still a few packets in there despite the box being bought the year before. Confused, she looked back at Pillowy.

"You can't have this.. Pretty sure.." Raymune took out her phone and began tapping her nubs against the screen.

Pillowy reached around Raymune and took a glance. Can Snekkets consume chocolate> Pillowy threw her head back in a dramatic attempt to make it seem like she was yelling. She used her mouth to grab the hot cocoa box out of Raymune's nubs and dropped it on the distracted pacapillars head. When Raymune looked up, shocked, Pillowy gently jabbed her in the gut.

"Ow, ow!! What??" Raymune jumped back. "You want this?" She asked again.

Pillowy shook her head. She used her paw to point at the box, and then at Raymune.

"You want.. me to make it?"

Pillowy nodded.

"..For you?"

Pillowy sulked.

"For.. me?"

Pillowy felt almost accomplished for getting the answer to go through Raymune's dumb little brain. She nodded at Raymune's answer, shoving the pacapillar back towards the counter.

"Stop shoving me! I'll make it!!" Raymune yelped again. "Here, I'll get to it after I feed you, I get it now."

Not what Pillowy was suggesting, but she decided she wouldn't mind an extra feeding after all.

After a bowl of snekket snacks, Pillowy sat in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Raymune make herself a cup of hot cocoa. Fill the cup halfway with water, microwave it for a few, put the packet in, stir it up, fill it up more with some milk, and microwave it again. All of Raymune's usual steps to making a nice hot cup of cocoa (minus a few re-microwaves if the thing decided to start acting up, leaving the drink cold under the top sip). When the drink was done, Raymune brought it back into the living room, sitting down on her couch to enjoy the drink. At that point, Raymune had hardly noticed the roaring wind outside, feeling much more content with her drink.

"You really do know what a pacapillar needs, huh Pillowy?" Raymune laughed.

Pillowy jumped onto the couch, settling down next to where Raymune sat, looking up at the Red pacapillar. Raymune drank her cocoa as the wind marched on, and Pillowy closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Cup of Warmth
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In Prompt Writing ・ By CryMeARiver
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Submitted By CryMeARiver for Cup of Warmth!
Submitted: 11 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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