so sorry to message you here - i'm new and can't find the private dm area - but i was hoping you could help me with my myo submission? you mentioned that I need a psidium berry to increase the rarity, but I had thought that all uncommon traits had been condensed into the common category, and my myo was originally uncommon as well. i'm also not sure which traits would be considered rare, if you could help me with that i would really appreciate it! ;; in case you can't see which myo i'm talking about, it's this one:
2021-05-03 11:04:32
Hiya! My discord is Nivryz #8740, feel free to DM me there and I'll walk you through the MYO process in more detail!
2021-05-03 11:33:37
tysm, request sent!
2021-05-03 17:40:53
Is your discord name Rott? You might have to send it again since I didn't recognise your Username
2021-05-03 19:19:55
yes it is, i resent it!
2021-05-03 21:50:46