M-1833: Canary / Cadhla Rooke

Owned by wolvesstrife

it's pronounced like ky-luh jsyk

Cadhla is known as a pretty popular solo singer, one who fought hard to be recognized due to her existence as a monster. Her performance name is Canary, and she's used to it enough that she sometimes uses it in regular life. She is gentle for her large size (though a bit smaller than the usual monster pacapillar) and full of energy, almost to a baffling degree. She works with other performers on occasion and attends events on invitation, thriving in the after-parties, but she has issues reaching out herself due to her own anxieties.

One event is where she met Vulture, who unbeknownst to her was there to scope out a target for theft. They conversed, and something clicked for both of them. Eventually it would form into a relationship, a rather surprising one as a reclusive winged and a social-butterfly monster make for an odd pair at best.

+ Konpeito
+ Cities
+ Scrapbooks

- Bitterness
- Extreme Cold
- Formality

- When she dashes about her glow and tail can make it look like a meteor rushing past
- Has been on a streak of trying to outdo Ryusei on star puns
- Unfortunately has been beat on this topic time and time again, word play isn't her best skill
- Chaotic Good

+ Vulture / Valentine Wake: Romantic Partner
+ Kamiya Ryusei: Friend

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