M-1419: Sugar

Owned by Mugofatmosphere

Sugar  have a large sweet tooth, anything sweet helps them maintain their diet, which is surprisingly healthy for their soft cinnamon roll shell. 

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Sugar is a shy baby with self-esteem issues. Poor thing does not have confidence. They are an amazing baker, and they love to heal other people's trauma through baking sweets. Some say their sweets are known to boost stats and restore hope. 

Despite their healing like qualities, they are very much reclusive. They are lonely but are very timid. They tend to panic under extreme duress and stress, and have social anxiety. They appear withdrawn, often because of massive amounts of bullying growing up. They're good natured, they just need to open up. They tend to push away many for fear of being betrayed or hurt.

they make the best of what they do have, despite not having much items or wealth to their name. But wealth or fame will not matter to this one, it's what's on your heart that counts.

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