M-1379: Mirka

Owned by Cubesnap

A spirit of vengeance, not quite alive, not quite dead. She was killed by something, (REDACTED), and right now, it left her to suffer, aka why her depression is huge. Continuing, she is (still) a spirit that leads characters through things, such as a dark cave with her tail and ear light, as well as her eyes, which, pupils cannot be seen. Continuing on with this, even still, her soul and body mixed, both thinking they aren't one, but they also are at the same time, her feeling much pain and suffering, not understanding the world around her, just feeling a bit of vengeance around her soul and body, and chose to spend the rest of her existence helping younger pacas in need, kind of showing up when somethings about to happen and not exactly warm them with words, but appearing at events that relate to doom and death, like long horse. She also doesn't speak. She just makes gestures with her face and skelly mask on her head to show her moods.

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