Profile M-1085: Hazel (Hazel Branch)

Owned by Chocolatespyro



- Hopeless

Hazel doesn't have much hope for a lot of situations, especially her own. She tends to be rather pessimistic, but tries to hide it so she doesn't feel like she's bringing down others with her. This ends up leaving her rather downtrodden and not able to motivate herself to do things, and when she DOES get the courage she's afraid she'll make things worse or crash back down again after rising so high. She feels powerless to change, and so sits there, unable to get herself to do much, as well as not believing in happy endings very often. She also tends to talk down to herself and believes vehemently that her father left because of her on bad days especially, even if that's not the cause of him leaving.

- Distant

She tends to take a backseat from the world, which is another symptom of her fearing both failure and success. She'd much rather not get herself involved if she doesn't have to.. she tends to push herself away from people who could've potentially been friends or even family that could've helped her or even ARE helping her currently. (see links) She does this as a form of "protecting others" even if opportunities or chances to improve pass her by, since she doesn't wish to potentially end up getting others attached to her... thinking she's worth more than she thinks she is... she's starting to get better at not letting it hurt her and bog her down, however. She also generally feels more comfortable alone, as she's been alone a lot. She is starting to open up with some help, though.

- Helpful

Hazel helps others in order to feel useful. She often does this to a point of exhaustion or to the point where it gets concerning, especially when it comes to family or others she has good relations with, she likes seeing them happy and better-off than her. She often feels like she has to help others in order to make up for her mistakes as well, and spends more time on others than herself and her own wants and needs.. to the point where she doesn't really have any wants. She's trying to get over this through having other hobbies, such as gardening, but she can still suffer putting her own needs on the backburner.

- Faithful

She will stick by other's sides and will try her best to fulfill promises, she's very loyal, especially towards family, and will go above and beyond in order to fill requests. She doesn't like the thought of upsetting others or letting others down, which drives her to be this way. This can also potentially stress her out if she has to choose sides. She still has her own autonomy and can still choose to decline doing things, but she'll have a much harder time declining or backing out if it's someone she has a good relationship with, as she may feel obligated to remain loyal to them.


(Personality Note:  Hopeless as in she doesn't generally believe in herself, not that she IS ACTUALLY hopeless. Wanted to clarify just in case.)

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