Profile 0-0745: Jeager

Owned by Saka


Name Jaeger
Called Jean
Age ...
Gender ...
Birthday Oct 27 (Scorpio)

Jaeger is shown to have a rather calm, solitary, stoic and quiet personality for the majority of the time, rarely showing his feeling or talking. When he does, he only says a few sentences and speaks rather monotonously. Jaeger shows no remorse in combat, dismembering his opponents without a second thought. He has shown to be a patient person, waiting for his turn to attack and observing his enemies.

In his transformed state, his thoughts become more primitive, focused solely on battle and the destruction of Hollo . He is also more aggressive in this state. Whenever this happens, he flies into a blind rage. He will go completely all out in trying to attack the offender and anyone else in the way, even against all odds.

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