Profile 0-0645: Valdís

Owned by Saka
Name Valdís
Called Valdís
Age Adult
Gender Female
Birthday July 15th (Cancer)

Valdís is polite, energetic, and friendly, typically a bubbly individual, loving to play and act childishly.

She is a talented chef, her specialty being sweet pastries and cupcakes.

Valdís despises profanity, relying on food-themed "soft swears" and never drinks alcohol. She also has a passion for gardening. Valdís loves love, being extremely clingy, giving lots of hugs, etc. She also has a love for sweets and baked goods.

She can bit of a push-over which results in her being seen as 'weak' when you first meet her, but will be suprised to find she has a split personality, like a yandere. If you get on her bad side, she won't hesitate to shove her kitchen knife in to your back or gift you with a poisoned cupcake, or so the rumor goes.

Luckily for you, it takes a lot to get Valdís angry. It is also said that in her "yandere mode" she has cannbalistic tendencies and bake her victims into her cupcakes. People also consider her a psychopath who loves killing for pleasure, unlike a typical yandere. (Though neither of these are confirmed)


  • Baking
  • Sweets
  • Children
  • Smiles


  • Swearing
  • Alcohol
  • Violence
  • Frowns
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Open for links