Play.pacas Username(s): (usernames here) SamiTheDreamer and WILDWILDWYRD Discord Username(s): (usernames with the #number here) SamiTheDreamer #0428 and WildWildWyrd#6662 Pacapillar Parent 1: Pacapillar Parent 2: Batch Quantity: (3-5) 3 Batch Type: (Bronze, Silver, or Gold) Bronze Paca distribution: SamiTheDreamer $55 and WildWildWyrd for the $45 Preferred Artists: (list specific artists or put no preference/any; no preference will give better chances of your application being selected) Anyone Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event: (replies, or just type “owner” if you are the owner) Approval for a Runt to be created from your batch: (yes or no) Yes Guarantee a Split Trait:** (yes or no -- only applies if a Pacapillar Parent has the split trait mutation and will cost an extra $40. Please take note that only ONE split will be rolled.) no
2021-07-19 20:47:53
2021-07-19 20:49:03