Comments on Corewarming Wave Two Applications!

CandyChameleon Avatar

Play.pacas Username(s): CandyChameleon
Discord Username(s): CandyChameleon#7509
Pacapillar Parent 1:
Pacapillar Parent 2:
Batch Quantity: 3
Batch Type: Bronze
Paca distribution: N/A, I own both
Preferred Artists: Any
Proof of permission to use the above Pacapillar designs for this event: Owner
Approval for a Runt to be created from your batch: Yes (this is free right?)
Guarantee a Split Trait: Yes

2021-06-28 14:32:34

CandyChameleon Avatar

Voiding this application as I can no longer afford it

2021-07-23 13:21:48