Hello! This entry will count as both your 4th and 5th entries, which isn't allowed, so you must delete one of your unpicked entries in order for this one to remain valid. 1: https://play.pacapillars.com/comment/1226 2: https://play.pacapillars.com/comment/1211 (although it was picked, it still counts as one of your 4 total entries) 3: https://play.pacapillars.com/comment/1294 and this one is 4 and 5, as you are receiving both children
2021-05-26 21:56:19
Oof sorry about that. I'll delete this one.
2021-05-26 22:54:41
Gotcha, no worries! I'll delete this one :thumbs up: (i literally just typed that out expecting that to pop up but ah yes, this is not actually discord LOL)
2021-05-26 23:12:25