Submission (#7852) Approved

15 March 2024, 17:57:53 CST (9 months ago)
15 March 2024, 19:42:22 CST (9 months ago) by TornPages
Ducky shows Aeon and Bubblegum what he found outside...
Criteria Rewards

Art - 2100 Leaflets

Request Cancellation if Changes are Needed: Off
Halfbody Characters: 2
Fullbody Characters: 1
DTPAY Submission: Off
Gift Art: Off
Character of the Month Featured: Off
Pets You Own: 0
NPCs: 0
Shading: Off
Simple Background: 0
Complex Background: 1
Simple Animation: Off
Complex Animation: Off
Crafted/3D Piece: Off
Commissioned Artwork: Off
Reward Amount
Surprise Basket 1
Leaflets 2500
Thumbnail for M-1290: Bubblegum

M-1290: Bubblegum

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for M-1909: Aeon

M-1909: Aeon

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for M-2106: Ducky

M-2106: Ducky

No rewards set.