A Summer, really hard month uh? most people do is go to the beach or good activity to have the body activity, in other hand, very deep in the forest, there a little paca of think other plans
this paca is call Flower, a little cute green paca who was sleeping in a pot, waking up by the shine of the sun in the windong and yamming, this little paca go out of this pot and go to the living room, who was waiting em owner kinoko, this one happy saying good morning to his pet and giving food to em, such plants, worms and other
Flower say hi to em owner was em can with em cute sounds and happy start eating the food, this was like other day, a peace day, finish with the food was only looking, just waiting to completly wake up, while kinoko was water the plants, was a very variaty of em, mushroom, carnival plants, sunflowers, etc
one wake up flower go to a special door in the wall where go out side close of the farm where are the vegies and fruits
she go to em favorite spot, a big rock where always the sun shine, one there, flower relax and start doing fotosintesis
The day go common as always, the sun now more was more relaxing surely ending sleeping flower again
Kinoko now out was taking care of the farm, watering em, checking to erase bad plants of if someone is ready to be collected, seeing flower there relaxing give em a cute smile and just give little pats in flower head and continie with the farm
now in the afternoon, kimono start doing a pie of pupnking, thing of the smell make arribe friends of the forest, and the same time wake up flower
one everything done kimono was ready to share but he noticed the friends of the forest was well, not good, looking tired or exausted, knowing the hot of the day was more from they use to
so knowing the pie need more time to be eated, he prepare a little zone where with his rubber start the water on to make mud, making the friend of the forest exited and going fast to have fun
the friend of the forest they starting playing arround, geting fresh by the water of playing getting dirty with the mod
Flower for other hand wants to be calm, playing energetic was not em kind and beguing small will make her into troble or danger
still that not save flower get a little of dirty
now everything is freshed and better kinoko start to share the pupnking pie, everyone enjoy of it, kinoko as know is a good chef with all of this veguies and fruits some plants too! so everyone was happy and satisfide going back inside of the forest while saying good bye
Flower just take a little walk in the farm, even the farm is not really big was huge for em, just eating some bugs who just are troble for destroid the plants and get a delicius meal yum
Kinoko just was taking care of the plant, chaging some in posicion to protect them of the heat of the sun
one in the nigth, was fresh, cold, relaxing, no much thing was happening, just the sound of the air moving the leafs
the house inside was little hot, just the egnoft to not be cold, thanks of the fireplace
Kinoko was sit in the sofa, relaxed by the hot, while was a small old radio where put calm song, was very down but egnoft to be
Flower was with em onwer in the arms, enjoy the time with em, getting cute pets and kisse and cuddles
Finally the sleep is start winning flower, making em eyes closing slowly, kinoko noticed this and calm go up and go to flower little room and put em in em pot
Flower dint like get away of em owner, but em know is time to sleep so, em get confy in the pot, and close em eyes, waiting the new day to enjoy with kinoko again
the ligth start going out, letting the dark in and the moon do the job to ligth up the house, the fireplace still on, just small fire to keep the house warm
and by then, wishing the little one a good night