All Prompts

Cup of Warmth!

Cup of Warmth!

Ends: 20 March 2025, 23:59:59 CST (1 month from now)

Draw your paca with a warm drink for the winter!


Winter is the perfect time for a warm drink or two! What kind of winter drinks does your pacapillar like? Do they make it themselves or make a daily trip to the cafe?

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket
    • Does not have to be your own! Check out #u-can-draw-my-pacapillar in our discord or click here for a list on-site if you wish to make gift art, or do not own a paca/snekket.
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per year



Drawing Requirements
  • 3/4ths Body Minimum
  • Colored
  • Full background with depth
Writing Requirements
  • 600 words


Reward Amount
Leaflets 2500
Golden Berry 5


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

The First Snowfall

The First Snowfall

Ends: 20 March 2025, 23:59:59 CST (1 month from now)

Winter is coming, and it's coming quick!


It feels like summer was just yesterday, but it's already starting to snow!
While you're helping others with their harvests, you notice some snowflakes begin to fall from the sky. You can see your breath, but there's still work to be done! Depict how your pacapillar or snekket reacts to the cold weather creeping in. Do they continue to help with the end of season work, or do they leave everything to everyone else to go home and have some hot cocoa?

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket
    • Does not have to be your own! Check out #u-can-draw-my-pacapillar in our discord or click here for a list on-site if you wish to make gift art, or do not own a paca/snekket.
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per year



Drawing Requirements
  • 3/4ths Body Minimum
  • Colored
  • Full background with depth
Writing Requirements
  • 600 words


Reward Amount
Leaflets 2500
Golden Berry 5


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

2 results found.