All Prompts

Self Portrait

Category: Monthly Prompts

Draw your Pacapillar or Snekket. That's it. Check the description!


Isn't this just the world's best pacapillar? show us one of your beautiful pacas!
Draw your pacapillar or snekket!

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket
    • It MUST be a paca or snekket YOU OWN! 
    • CAN be an Alternate Universe form of your paca or snekket (EX : Cat Form)
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per month




Drawing Requirements
  • Fullbody
  • Colored
Writing Requirements
  • 300 words


Reward Amount
Leaflets 1000


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

A Lovely Gift

Category: Monthly Prompts

Draw someone else's Pacapillar. That's it. Check the description!


Make someone happy by sending them some lovely gift art of their pacapillar!
Draw someone else's paca or snekket!

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket
    • Cannot be your own! Check out #u-can-draw-my-pacapillar in our discord or click here for a list on-site if you wish to make gift art, or do not own a paca/snekket.
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per month



Drawing Requirements
  • Fullbody
  • Colored
Writing Requirements
  • 300 words


Reward Amount
Leaflets 1000
Golden Berry 1


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

A Moment of Peace

Category: Monthly Prompts

Make an illustration featuring Pacapillars, must include a full background


It's such a lovely day, your pacapillar decides to take go for a stroll. where do they go? What do they do?
Draw a paca or snekket in a location!

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket
    • Does not have to be your own! Check out #u-can-draw-my-pacapillar in our discord or click here for a list on-site if you wish to make gift art, or do not own a paca/snekket.
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per month




Drawing Requirements
  • Fullbody
  • Colored
  • Full background with depth
Writing Requirements
  • 1000 words
  • Scenery must be described


Reward Amount
Leaflets 2500
Golden Berry 5


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

Companion Galore

Category: Monthly Prompts

Draw your Pacapillar/Snekket with their pets!


so many little friends! Show us your adventures and fun things you do together!
Draw your pacapillar or snekket with their pets!
NOTE: Farm critters (Kips, Moffs, and Baas) do not count as pets for this prompt!

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket and one (1) pet
    • Has to be a pacapillar/snekket and pet you own!
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per month




Drawing Requirements
  • Fullbody
  • Colored
Writing Requirements
  • 300 words
  • Additional pets grant you +250 LF per pet (up to five pets total)
    • If you draw five pets, you can get a total of 2500 LF and TWO Golden Berries! The second GB will only be given if there are 5 pets drawn


Reward Amount
Leaflets 1500
Golden Berry 1
Shhroom 2


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

Character of the Month

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 28 February 2025, 23:59:59 CST (1 week from now)

Want your Pacapilar or Snekket featured for an entire month? Read the details below!


Submit a piece of gift art of the current character of the month to be entered into a chance for your character to be featured as Pacapillar/Snekket of the month! Please read all requirements and extras carefully, as there are more stipulations and rules for this than many of our other prompts.

The character of the month for February is... Mary!


Character Blurb:

Mary loves love! Shes the best matchmaker around whether its friends or romantic relationships. She's very friendly and loves all sorts of crafts.

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket
    • It MUST include the currently featured character! 
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • You MUST be okay with your character being drawn/written about in other players submissions.
  • It is required to join our Discord Server to win the raffle so that mods can contact you about your character choice + their personality blurb. If we cannot find you in the server, then you will be rerolled for someone else to have the feature spotlight.
  • If you win the raffle for a month, you cannot submit to win Character of the Month for three months following the initial submission.
    • For eg. if you submit the prompt in May and are featured as June's character of the month, the first time you will be able to submit the prompt is in September (to win October's character of the month).
  • Please do not tag any character (in the "characters" section of the prompt) that is not actually featured in the art.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per month




Drawing Requirements
  • Fullbody
  • Colored
Writing Requirements
  • 300 words
  • You cannot participate in this prompt if you are the owner of the current character of the month.
  • If you add a background with depth or animation (needs to be at least 5 frames, with at least 3 different parts of the paca moving)  you will get a bonus 1000 leaflets and 2 gb.


Reward Amount
Golden Berry 2
Leaflets 1000
February Feature Submissions (Raffle Ticket) 1


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

Creature Feature

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 28 February 2025, 23:59:59 CST (1 week from now)

What sort of pet awaits this month...?


Want a cool little creature to accompany your character? learn about our pet of the month and obtain it, too!
Submit art/writing of the pet of the month alongside your paca/snekket to obtain that pet! 


Our current pet of the month for February is... Deerest!

Small description:
If you’re lost or injured, a Deerest may bravely approach you and lead you to safety…

Extended Description:
Though Snekkets prefer to care for their eggs on their own, later entrusting them to Pacapillars they deem worthy, they can’t always do it alone. When Snekkets need help, they will seek out a Deerest to bring them to come and guard their eggs, keeping them safe when a Snekket cannot directly look after their egg. Deerest are fairly brave, despite their dainty appearance, and will even adopt orphaned Snekket eggs, even if those eggs aren’t actually orphaned and being raised by a Pacapillar, which can result in some Pacapillars having a standoffish Deerest guarding the egg of their future companion…

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pacapillar/snekket
    • Does not have to be your own! Check out #u-can-draw-my-pacapillar in our discord or click here for a list on-site if you wish to make gift art, or do not own a paca/snekket.
  • Must incorporate at least one (1) element from the pet's characteristics.
  • Pets should follow canonical sizing (See HERE) but should be no smaller than 1/5 of the Pacapillar's height, and no bigger than the height of the Paca.
    • This rough sizing applies to Standard Pacapillars; pets will always be much smaller in comparison to Subspecies Pacapillars and Snekkets.
    • This rule only applies to this prompt and we allow creative freedom on other prompts!
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per month



Drawing Requirements
  • Fullbody Pacapillar
  • Featured Pet
  • Colored
Writing Requirements
  • 400 words
  • Featured Pet has more than a passing mention
  • Background Bonus: 1500 Leaflets
  • 700+ Words Bonus: 1500 leaflets


Reward Amount
Deerest 1
Golden Berry 1
Shhroom 2


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

Critter Spotlight

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 28 February 2025, 23:59:59 CST (1 week from now)

Pacapillars and Snekkets take all the spotlight. Now it's time for pets to shine!


Missed a past Creature Feature? Don't worry, you have a second chance at them!
Submit art/writing of the pet of the month to obtain that pet! Including a Pacapillar or Snekket is optional!


Our current pet of the month for February is... Rotund Cookie!

Small description:
You will never find a cookie with more love to give than a Rotund Cookie!

Extended Description:
This lovable little pupper has carefully crafted its bow and arrow to compel the target of its affections once hit! Normally this tough little cookie asks for treats or belly rubs, but a more tenacious pet might request its owner’s core instead! Don't feed your Rotund Cookie too much, though, or it might just burst!

General Requirements
  • Include at least one (1) pet
    • Must be the featured pet of the month.
  • Must incorporate at least one (1) element from the pet's characteristics.
  • Pets should follow canonical sizing (See HERE) but should be no smaller than 1/5 of the Pacapillar's height, and no bigger than the height of the Paca.
    • This rough sizing applies to Standard Pacapillars; pets will always be much smaller in comparison to Subspecies Pacapillars and Snekkets.
    • This rule only applies to this prompt and we allow creative freedom on other prompts!
  • Must show effort
    • We may decline an entry if we feel effort is not present.
  • Must be submitted on-site
  • You can submit a total of five (5) prompts in general per day. Your count resets at midnight, site time (CST).
  • Fill out appropriate criteria when submitting
    • Use "Art" for any drawing or craft submissions, and "Writing" for any stories, poetry, and other similar pieces.
    • For animations, please add a link to the individual static animation frames in your submission comment so that staff can confirm your unique frame count.
  • Can only be submitted one (1) time per month



Drawing Requirements
  • Fullbody Featured Pet
  • Colored
Writing Requirements
  • 400 words
  • Featured Pet has more than a passing mention
  • Background Bonus: 1500 Leaflets
  • 700+ Words Bonus: 1500 leaflets


Reward Amount
Golden Berry 1
Rotund Cookie 1
Shhroom 2


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

7 results found.